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out of the books you've read, do you have any recs?
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batqualia 1 week ago

hmm it;s a pretty random assortment to pull recs from but i always find myself coming back to stolen focus in conversation as a primer of social media and technology today. thats the sort of book that i see get excerpted in ppls substacks and thinkpieces esp as people at large are starting to get more critical of techs role in society and culture. but that might be a bit on-the-nose for an indie web denizen

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batqualia 1 week ago

other similar nonfiction pulls that stuck w/ me: the immortal life of henrietta lacks is a really powerful story ab biomedical science and scientific racism.. anyone familiar w/ HeLa cells or academia at all shoudl read it imo. four thousand weeks is Okay-- good self=help book for ppl cynical about self help/time management books

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batqualia 1 week ago

re; novels (sloppily including both auto-fiction and fiction here...) i really liked american bulk, bestiary, in the dream house, and wound. i found all of those to be really powerful in their own ways

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projectc190 1 week ago

@batqualia thats crazy bc i actually just finished reading stolen focus today. your other suggestions sound pretty interesting as well; i'll be sure to check them out if i can!

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