Clover Atelier

939 updates
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neocities is real weird with it's updates nowadays... just posted a blog updated and my first writing article re: some feminism-related thoughts i've had as of late >__>
cloveratelier 6 days ago

i don't have a proper link to it on a directory yet but it can be found from the updates section on /info/site! sorry for the trouble

sanguineroyal 5 days ago

I will definetely come back and write a more thoughtful response(?) to your article at some point when I'm not fried because since the US elections I've been falling into my own rabbitholes, but I just want to say that girlboss feminism is truly a blight upon us

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cloveratelier 4 days ago

@krish im looking forward to hearing it and any talk of these rabbitholes you mentioned. it really is and i'm actually in awe of how many people get viciously defensive of their right to appease men nowadays. hope you've been taking care these past few weeks!

snowibunni 6 days ago

I liked your writing article quite a lot. I've faced similar frustration re: EDs online myself over the years. And I quite liked seeing your take on the discussion around FGM. I hope you consider writing more sometime!

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vencake 6 days ago

Great reads. Anyone discouraging talk and awareness around FGM is a misogynist, especially when it's to placate men.

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cloveratelier 5 days ago

@bree im glad you enjoyed! i'm hoping to do more later down the line about more lighter subjects haha. A lot of the ways EDs are talked about in online circles has been a huge point of annoyance for me over the years and it's nice to hear someone else feels this way about it all! ;__;

cloveratelier 5 days ago

@ven thank you for reading, glad you enjoyed! I wholeheartedly agree, the fact that casual misogyny in the form of denying the discussion of lived experiences is so commonly accepted is so damn irritating.

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cloveratelier 1 week ago

nothing too major here. i am just very silly and forgot to add my new fansite links to my update log and nerdy stuff directory. links should be working as intended LOL

cloveratelier 1 week ago

first couple of pages for my sidem fansite are up! and now it's bedtime for me... i'll try and get more of 'em done sometime over the next week :)

cloveratelier 2 weeks ago

just some small updates. all of which are on blue pages... that should grant me some kind of achievement, don't you think?

cloveratelier 4 weeks ago

blog update, both entry-wise and design-wise. Nothing major though, I just noticed the section looked a tad too small on my monitor, so I changed it up a little! And of course, I am still hashtag gaming...

vivarism 4 weeks ago

It sounds like youre having lots of fun lately!! I think an ita bag displaying a collection of different items is more fun than repeating badges. You can get really creative with the layout! I think that approach better suits someone with your level of creativity and eye for aesthetics... But that's just a suggestion!!

cloveratelier 4 weeks ago

@flonne thank you for the input (and kind comment ^__^)!! it's the most viable option for me as well, since i have a lot of varied badges/straps from over the years... i had a little varied one to show off my oshis for 9th and honestly putting it together was so fun lol

angeleyesprings 4 weeks ago

Would love to see a future IM@S Side M shrine!! All the merch you bought sounds exciting

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cloveratelier 1 month ago

just a small life update. don't worry, i'm still alive! i don't know if i'll be updating much for a while, though... game backlog is pretty gnarly at the moment!

cloveratelier 1 month ago

apologies, i'm removing my guestbook from my site for the time being. someone has been using it as a way to harass me and i don't wish to keep giving her avenues to do so. hope you all are well, hoping to post an update soonish!

angeleyesprings 1 month ago

So sorry you're going through this

cloveratelier 1 month ago

@amy thank you for your kind words ;__; hopefully she gives up and gets a life soon

kkbkkb 1 month ago

i know you posted this a couple weeks ago but i'm facing a similar situation with my ex stalking me. i completely empathize and i wish you all the peace! <3

cloveratelier 1 month ago

Small life update + some more additions to the food log! I've been pretty busy saving the spiral and engaging in wizard-related tomfoolery, unfortunately

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cloveratelier 2 months ago

finally updated my web neighbors section which i am horrifically bad at remembering to keep up to date.... also, food from thursday :)

cherrylotus 2 months ago

thank you so much for adding my button! :0 ♡ you and your partner are so cute btw ~~

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cloveratelier 2 months ago

@cherry no worries! and thank you sm ;__;

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CreatedJun 24, 2023
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selfshipping personal writing anime fanfiction