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Hello Hello, I made a separate blog to post my writing, and I want some opinions. I'll be happy with even just one simple two cents :’) For context, I live in Chile and I write in english, even though it is not my mother tongue it just makes me feel more comfortable. Also, I’ve never shared my writing with anyone before, and so, my experience has been very isolated, I just wanna know what people think!
Whether you find it obscure or a little too symbolic, I don’t know, just tell me what you like and what you think could be improved!! I could try to get some feedback from places like tumblr or instagram, but they feel a little too intimidating, I trust this community a lot more. Here’s the link to my blog:
Also, they're sometimes close to being a journal entry, but they often times fall into the "prose" category I think
I read some of it and I think its really cool, I like the one about frost!
I'm so glad you liked that one!!! I thought it would be a little too specific :DDD