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thanks for the follow, i had a lot of fun looking through your pages, especially your thoughts on tarot :-)
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colrana 2 years ago

yw! i also really enjoyed reading your piece in the observatory... the golden record is such a crazy and amazing thing that weve sent into unknown space. i used to have such a deep love for the stars, and your writing brought me back to those times ^^...

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colrana 2 years ago

finally....a guestbook! :) and added some more buttons!

thanks for the follow, your site is so cool!! i love all your projects, the performance art is so interesting :3
colrana 2 years ago

of course and thank you! :)! i really enjoy your reviews!!!

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thinking about putting either a guestbook or a sort of comment box on my site... reason being is id love to give people a space to reply to things i write, and i am especially interested in hearing other peoples thoughts or experiences on subjects i write about.... still thinking about it though!
colrana 2 years ago

finally wrote about my tarot decks! writing about specific aspects of my practice keeps making me think "oh i need a page for X and a page for Y" so... an altar page and a page that talks more about the High Priestess and my relationship with her will be up next most likely ^^ in the midst of a busy christmas season for both work and school so im pretty tired but hope yall are doing good!

accidentally deleted the updates post, but i was just doing some code cleaning :) excited though, the next addition will be on my tarot decks, its just a very busy period for me right now, but hopefully thatll be written up soon
colrana 2 years ago

at last the most infamous section has been witchy practice! ive also added an article to its intro page! (also finally learned how to update my site via CLI!)

meyyebs 2 years ago

heck yess, i was also thinking of adding a witchy/magick page!

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colrana 2 years ago

woke up today and decided to write out my ideal christmas playlist for this year because theres some good gems out there :]

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colrana 2 years ago

more astrology...this time talking about using astrology as a character fleshing out tool! woo hoo!

roselle 2 years ago

I absolutely love your very nuanced take on astrology, and using it for character creation is such a fascinating and helpful idea! I usually go by intuition when deciding characters' birthdates, and I've often found the astrological placements and interactions apply, weirdly enough!

colrana 2 years ago

i honestly have had the same experience that you describe too, roselle! its so funny to me when it all pans out, but i think its something about the seasons that subconsciously make us want to choose? or the numbers just funny hehe. its fun both ways; by accident and by intention!

added a new writing bit: in defense of mobile! sometimes neocities makes me sad when it doesnt do a fun update image whenever i do an update in the same day. the writing can be found at /fun :]
cyberpeach 2 years ago

What a good read!! That is something that I, too, have considered when making my layout. In this day and age, more people are viewing media on mobile devices. Yeah, it's a heck lot more coding but it makes the mobile user experience much more easy and accessible.

runegod 2 years ago

I agree with a lot of the points you bring up in this article! I think in some ways this is an example of nostalgia goggles - e.g. "what is old (and nostalgic to me) is better" prevents people from seeing that there can really be some benefits to more modern web development, e.g. increased accessability or responsive design.

teethinvitro 2 years ago

Great words! I take it into consideration when desigining layouts for my pages, but they could be better. That means writing extra lines of code, but that's okay. Also, runegod brought up a good point: settling for a PC display-based design out of nostalgia, avoiding the "newer' mobile display concept. I'm guilty of this as well, because I like to work with the width.

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colrana 2 years ago

thank you guys for the comments! i agree with runegods point where we /do/ have the tools to make a more accessible web, its just not as easy to realize considering how neocities is many users first dive into html. im hoping that bringing forward these features they can be more widely used, or at the very least lead people to discover more features on their own

colrana 2 years ago

like, did you know there is a query to detect if the user is using dark mode? therefore allowing someone to make a whole darkmode sheet? im hoping to implement this soon just for my own sake since i love multiple colorschemes, but this was found through digging in documentation!

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enflicted 2 years ago

I suppose i'm one to go against the grain here, I personally leave out anything mobile friendly. But i've done all that before, designed for the modern web. I quickly left it all behind, and a big part of me joining neocities was to get back to old web. I feel the time, love and effort I spend making my site, needs to be enjoyed on a PC, not while you're doing other things.

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enflicted 2 years ago

But, I also don't have anything against designing for mobile, if that's what someone wants to do, this is a personal preference for me, sort of like a detox, put down the phone, relax and enjoy the web.

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zeusofthecrows 2 years ago

i think another aspect is (at least on neocities/similar) designing for mobile just isn't enjoyable. i added a "mobile mode" not long ago, and it's just too small a screen to do anything fun with

colrana 2 years ago

i understand your points too, enflicted and zeus. though im not advocating everyone to had a dedicated mobile layout that perfectly fits the width of mobile dimensions. however in the case of your sites, there is still no conflicts in accessing links even when i view your websites on my phone, and that is mainly what im addressing, which is the ability to still See the content even on mobile, which requires-

colrana 2 years ago

knowing that your content is "coded" "well" for it to not effectively break when its shown on a non-native (as in your personal desktop) resolution. it doesnt have to be the same experience or enjoyable, but i think it should still be accessible. thank you guys for the comments though, i love having these sorts of discussions


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