6,210 updates
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in preparation for EP4, the main domain ( is now hosted directly by cloudflare, and this one is now at! this is because neocities sometimes serves a mix of old and new files... kinda bad for a big update. i'll swap it back once everything's out and it stabilizes. EP4 very soon my friends
this project has been something i have held at the core of myself for quite some time now. i owe it everything; it has let me meet some of the most incredible people whom i love so dearly.
critta 2 months ago

it has given me language and phrases that prove incredibly useful to explain things about myself, my actions and my thoughts. it's the reason i am as creatively free as i am today. it's why i write stories and have my own world to begin with. i will continue to be an acolyte for as long as this world persists. thank you fiend.

I SIMPLY CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS GAME every single one of my profiles is themed after it and i regularly use obeski phrases/colloquialisms...SO THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS IT'S SO COOOOOL
1 like
corru 2 months ago

thank you for da kind words ash... it makes me so happy to know that the corru work has inspired you so much! also be sure to check back soon 😈 the time is coming

Heya there! Long time no see :] I’m here to ask about a little something I’d noticed some time ago… how did you get your favicon to be animated? I remember trying to use a gif file, but it didn’t work for me.
ninacti0n 5 months ago

I’m also hoping to revisit C.OB sometime in the future, so you can bet I’m excited to check out the new stuff

corruworks 5 months ago

hi nina!! honestly, nothing special... I basically lie in the tag that it's image/png, but link to a gif anyway. it's kind of a crapshoot if it works or not on different browsers - but it seems to on FF/Chrome! ''

corruworks 5 months ago

'[[link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/img/fav.gif"]]' (pretend the [[ are < and >)

thank you corru very cool!
1 like
this amazing.
corru 8 months ago

p.s. EP4 is still well underway, apologies everyone for the wait! but we gotta make sure it's good cause it's da big one

this site is absolutely nuts ! i was not expecting a game with a compelling plot i am amazed i am in awe i cannot wait for future updates ╰(*°▽°*)╯
corru 8 months ago

thanks so much for checking it out!!

what an absolutely stunning experience! this site was rather inspiring, thank you so much for creating it!
corru 9 months ago

look who's talkin! your work rocks, I was clicking through your site and went 'hey, holy smokes, i recognize this art!!' i followed you on cohost a while back after I saw that 'king' character post, your designs and color usage are really inspirational (p.s. thank you for playing!!)

corru 9 months ago

this is the "oden" update! for details, for specific notes

1 like
corru 9 months ago

also I'm gonna be keeping proper patch notes now on instead of just commenting here - will still link em though

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedApr 18, 2021
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corru art music story