4,931 updates
0 tips
P.S. got ip banned from neocities on my computer because i guess i looked like a bot or something while using the CLI to upload lol
corru 6 months ago

(it's cool i'm just using my hotspot now)

dc-blog 6 months ago

1984 Neocities

satyrwoud 6 months ago

Literally 1984. Posting this from the NeoCities BBS™

pencilvoid 6 months ago

TIL Neocities has spam detection

owlroost 6 months ago

Can also try getting a new device IP: CMD window, "ipconfig /release && ipconfig /renew" if you're on Windows. May not fix it if your router IP was blocked though.

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scarbyte 6 months ago

I think this happened to me once. Was able to access neocities after a few hours if i remember correctly. Not sure why it happened

corru 6 months ago

turns out it's specifically doing "--dry-run" that seems to trigger it cause the ban went away, then I got another one when i did another batch upload later. I think it's just checking the files too fast on my end

EP3ADD1::"With the tides of incoherence receding, the inner world of the █████████ begins to reveal its history."
corru 6 months ago

further details to follow in time... the new things in this update do not make themselves immediately known, but look in familiar places and you will find new things have sprung up! similar to how the exploration based EP2ADD2 took place after EP1, content activates after you've entered EP2! (i.e. the collapse can be unlocked) for now, a hint: not the embassy!

corru 6 months ago

REMEMBER TO HARD REFRESH TOO!! some things are probably gonna be broken on neocities for a little bit... worst case scenario, if it gives you enough grief, you can export your save and play here too:

corru 6 months ago

p.s. there isn't exactly a hard ending here... the lost one cannot be helped yet. the total number of effigies you can get in the flower's room is 7. joy does not yet exist!

EP3ADD1 this upcoming weekend
robophobia 6 months ago

YOOOOO lets go???

Found this site whilst scrolling on tumblr and devoured nearly all of it in one sitting. Had to pull myself away so I had more content to look forward to for the next day. What an INCREDIBLE game. The story, visuals, music, prose... it's all so good and it's absolute wizardry to me that it was made with HTML/CSS. I am the number one Gakvu fan. I hope I have iterated enough how much I love this
corruworks 6 months ago

thank u so much for da kind words. Official review from Centipede Government !

Just discovered this site a few hours ago, and hot damn is this amazing. I haven't finished everything there is just yet but it's been a blast going through it all. What did you use to make this? I was very pleasantly surprised when the game turned into a danmaku-rpg/Deltarune sorta system. It's crazy to me that something of this caliber is not only hosted on a webpage, but is also free.
hydromecha 7 months ago

Almost forgot to mention this, but the save exporting system is really cool. Kinda reminds me of how a lotta retro games like Megaman used passwords.

corruworks 7 months ago

hello friend, thanks for the kind words!!! + thanks 4 playin!! this is all some homemade vanilla JS/CSS/HTML! it's mostly CSS all da way down... The Devil's 3D Rendering Engine. with any luck the rabbit hole will soon deepen

hi neofriends i posted a little update on EP3ADD1 on Cohost a few days ago and wanted to share here too!! (tl;dr - e3a1 coming in the next few weeks, other meta stuff coming soon like a corru news blog (probs on neocities) that centralizes my scatterbrained posting)
if any of u used the 'districts' site on Neocities in the past and want a substitute... Ongezell made this awesome page you should check out (also you should look at his website in general it's so sick)
marbelynrye 8 months ago

what is the 'districs' site questionmark

corruworks 8 months ago

it's a throwback to the old geocities style of having a sort of 'community homepage', where there are categories of sites and you can add your site to one of them! it was this place: - now inactive though

marbelynrye 8 months ago

ohhh billboard for web sites

corruworks 8 months ago

who the hell is Bill Board

genosadness 8 months ago

Hi, I'm Bill Board, and you're watching Disney Channel.

the mysterious megaphone in the corner of my room is blasting, "where da heck is the update corru??" and i must answer it: i took it easy for a bit so the timelines shifted some more... but da goal is for EP3ADD1 to be this month! i'll say late in the month, just to be safe. it is exploration focused and will add a few new friends to meet! ok bye bye!
corru 9 months ago

to be kinda real with u guys idk what's been up the past month honestly. for most of august i felt vaguely sad and unmotivated, nothing i'd see a doc over though. been feeling better lately, so it shouldn't be too big of a problem. maybe residual November energy is creeping backwards through time or something

corru 9 months ago

but even through unsteady times, the Secret Development Rule of At Least Touching The Project Every Day (dubbed 'the iokodobaba rule' by 40% of experts) promises victory and a cool update in the near future

corru 9 months ago

in da meantime please enjoy the gigantic surge of other video games that all released at the same time for some reason

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corruworks 9 months ago

we are beset by incoherent pals. our only option is to be friends

hello good people of Neo City...!! !! !! ! do you guys know of any good alternatives to google forms? there's something i wanna collect input for and i kinda don't want to build it myself unless i have to, but i also don't really want to use google forms! let me know if u have any ideas! 🔮
owlroost 9 months ago

SurveyMonkey seems to get used a lot- I know I've done official research surveys that were hosted with that. Might be worth looking into.

marbelynrye 9 months ago

here's the worst way possible: neocities post and ctrl f to sort through replies and manually calculate statistics

frek 8 months ago

im SUPER late to this but theres framaforms which is foss ?

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just saw the updated homepage + everything else from the past few weeks, your work continues to astound!! godspeed with it all my friend
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ongezell 9 months ago

Thanks a lot brotha, appreciate it (´◡`) Godspeed o7

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CreatedApr 18, 2021
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