Aaaa thank you!! Why is it interesting? I assumed there'd be a lot of queer Christians, but to be fair, I haven't actually gone out and looked. Again, thank you for checking out the site!
Oh its just interesting as many depict Christians/anity to be anti-lgbt(godhatesf* for example..)+ so the combo is kinda rare.I prefer Christians who are actually accepting and compassionate to queer folk.I'm not sure about there being alot of queer Christians imo,from my viewing of queer ppl in spaces I visit online many don't really declare a religion.Any way this site is p cool!Ty 4 the other blogger sites!
Additionally,I wanna ask why personally you think the duality of being a queer christian is possible & valid(with scriptural backing perhaps).Previously I have had a lot of struggles of choosing one or the other.(its alot to ask so if u r willing to reply then u could do so thru email or smnlol)
Ah geez. It is a common issue , i'll fix that soon!