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Based and gold-pilled
I respect you Watchman on the Wall. That passage is to highlight a common bias of the ancient Romans. When a human sees themselves as "god almighty," then they can rationalize forcing any amount of servitude upon others "for your own good"! But as PKD said, "The empire never ended."
[*for further details compare the Anacyclosis of Polybius with the Three Branches of the U.S. gubmint ]
Where does "constitutional democracy" become corrupted? The only one I want to "represent" me is Christ, the perfect reflection of righteousness. For the only sign in which I shall conquer is in the Love of the Son of Man, every person from the unborn seed to the long forgotten.
Life is priceless. Pray for the Caesars to truly become Christs as you pay the tribute to the imperial cult and the "money spell" will be broken. (2 Timothy 3) More soon.
from 2 timothy 3, "terrible times in the last days" indeed.
No worries.