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"Spiritual revolution" Dangerous phrasing ;D. As to forgiveness, you're only peaceful if you have the capacity for violence, otherwise you're just pathetic.
@lotus-cube the russian band ΠΠΈΠ½ΠΎ first performed "Π₯ΠΎΡΡ ΠΏΠ΅ΡΠ΅ΠΌΠ΅Π½" (I want changes!) in 1986, about changing one's own heart. the soviet union collapsed in 1991.
Very nicely written. I agree with so many of the things you spoke about, especially that we have been inclined to non-action regardless of how strongly we feel. There is a sort of soft manipulation that hides like a ghost in the online world, changing even the most seemingly intelligent of people into drones.
That is why "absolute power corrupts absolutely." Stacking symbolic abstractions on top of one another can divorce perceptions from reality to the point where any action can be "justified". We must be careful with pride. There are limits to knowledge in that another's personal experience does not have a 1-to-1 correspondence to one's own.
Forgiveness is not to acquiescence to injustice out of fear, and thus condone evil passively. It is to not allow oneself to be controlled by the ways in which one has been hurt, to voluntarily choose to heal. How many truly want peace? Or do they harbor vengence in their heart and simply want to trade places with a tyrant?
The key is how we choose to apply our own will moment-by-moment. All black magick is an imposition of one's will upon another, specifically to derive some sense of "power", whether it take on the form of active violence or passive manipulation.
However, each of our choices affects others, whether we are aware of the impact or not. If we have any sense of conscience whatsoever, as we learn of those impacts, we revise our methods to make them less harmful to others.
True Justice is restorative, not punitive. It does not fall victim to "The Myth of Redemptive Violence" that acts to perpetuate violence itself. Likewise, True Mercy is not being a sycophant. There is a careful balance between individual rights and collective responsibilities. [*compare "legalism" with "hypergrace"]
...I should also mention that, while there is quite a bit of nuance, I find "satan" = "demiurge" to be a helpful interpretation. What spirit rules the world and how? (Matthew 4:8-9)
Ultimately, I believe that there is a fundamental "error" that has crept into the perception of humanity at the dawn of our existence, like the "three poisons" within the "wheel of samsara" that we talked about before.
See: particularly the last two sections "Hope For Healing On A Fundamental Level" and "Psychosocial Neurobiology".