digital dream utopia

589 updates
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Thanks for following — very cute website! You seem to be more knowledgeable of old web than me who actually lived it so I am looking forward to learning more. I don’t know/remember a lot of the things you mentioned lol.
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denpatenshi 7 months ago

you have an adorable website too! such a nostalgia beam, making me think of retro anime fansite designs. i love reading your essays, and can resonate deeply with a few of them myself! i grew up in the 2010s internet and am much more familiar with that era, but researching about how 90s-00s web has become a favorite pastime of sorts! i would love to share all my thoughts on the old web... you will definitely see more!

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nijigyaru 7 months ago

Ahh, thanks so much!! I will admit I couldn’t settle for one theme yet because I want ALL of the y2k anime nostalgia in one webbie lol. ASCII art and old viruses are certainly topics of interest for me too lol. Thank ya !! Hope ure doing well :))

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedJan 31, 2024
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