
7,050 updates
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Epic site (and the Chattable shoutout on the links page?! goated.)
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unicodeangel 14 hours ago

thank you so much, its normal when you make a great tool like that :D

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HAPPY. 2. MILLION. VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2,003,195, to be exact. Insane how you get about 5,500 active users daily. Wish you luck with Chattable! <3
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chattable 1 day ago

tysm!! Thanks for being around for it all

chattable 3 days ago

Documentation on custom commands and custom flairs has been added. Your chats are waiting to use these new features!

onio 3 days ago

Let's gooo

Getting pretty close to 2,000,000 views!
If you haven't checked out this page, now would be an awesome time to take a peek at some of the new things you can do with Chattable!
I've added support for custom user flairs & custom commands to every chat. Currently, it's not very documented but you can play around with some of these new features at
chattable 1 week ago

Both user flairs & commands are set in JavaScript, you can use CSS to customize your created user flairs. Commands are executed in JavaScript on the PARENT site (your site) and not inside the iframe.

iwishyouroses 1 week ago

I can see where I'm making use of this

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I'd follow you back but your account isntreal
isntreal 2 weeks ago

LMAOOO ive been waiting for someone to make this joke hehehe

i noticed on somebody's chatbox that there is an element called #nameEntry, and there's a field to change your name above the msg input box. i checked the code for each of our boxes and it looks like this is something that has been added to some chats, but not all. i'd really like to have a field for folks to change their name right there in the chat, instead of hidden in the settings menu! ETA on feature release?
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chattable 4 weeks ago

They're using the alternative layout defined in the URL, /embed?chat=000 is the default layout, /embed/alternate?chat=000 is the alternate layout with #nameEntry

kkbkkb 4 weeks ago

THANK YOU!!!! :D i'm gonna futz around with that when i get home from work later!!

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New theme available!
A public chat room provided by Chattable, also a goated username that I had for a while so I figured I'd put it to use (WIP, sorta.. idk what else to add)

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedOct 27, 2021
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messaging tool embeddable tools chat