
6,906 updates
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Question of the day: If asked to write a list of everything you love, how long would it take you to write your own name
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A public chat room provided by Chattable, also a goated username that I had for a while so I figured I'd put it to use (WIP, sorta.. idk what else to add)
That MSN chat is one of the coolest ways I've seen Chattable designed. I hope more people check this out, you did things I didn't even know you could do with my own tool LOL
ismile 3 weeks ago

Thank you! I appreciate it man! My site is still a work in progress though! Anyways, it wouldn't have been possible without your tool!

Hi! Crazy that you followed me. The progress on Chattable since I last checked it out around 2023 is huge! Is it true you're no longer developing it?
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chattable 3 weeks ago

Love the site! I was just talking to someone about your site the other day inside my demo chats lol, and thank you!! I do continue to develop it but I've changed course a bit so it's not exclusively a Neocities project, it now works on any website! Some newer features won't work on free Neocities now though due to their CORS limitations.

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onio 3 weeks ago

Glad to hear that it's still in development, I just came across a website using chattable for the first time yesterday and was impressed! I'm thinking about switching over from Cbox. Amazing work!

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Shoutout to Dex, a real OG
dexaroth 4 weeks ago

teehee hellow :3

Just another reminder that if you're looking for a good Cbox alternative, Chattable is the one for you!!! I use it for IdolMessenger on my site and it works swell. This ad is not sponsered by the way, I just wanted to put this out there again lol
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chattable 1 month ago

Some accidental updates were released to production regarding notifications (my version control is held together with duct tape and 2 similarly named folders that separate testing from production) fixed now, sorryyyy

more maintenance today, I got the notification database (required for push notifications) to have a dedicated DB with backups, push notifications for the beta app are now complete! Should be no more issues with them
chattable 1 month ago

If you are beta testing the app, please uninstall & reinstall the app if it's not working right for you. Apologies if you gotta do this, but shouldn't happen again! Merrry Christmas everyone!

Did you know? PWA's or Progressive Web Apps can be installed by your browser? All major browsers & platforms support this! iOS, Android, Windows, and Chrome, Safari, Edge and Firefox!
chattable 2 months ago

PWA's are cool because once installed, they have a few more abilities. Like running offline worker scripts to send push notifications even when the app (or website) isn't open!

chattable 2 months ago

If you want to join the beta and get push notifications for your chat(s) early, reach out to me!

Server maintenance is over! No large downtime but we did have ~10 restarts (issues with node) but push notifications are working! (still in beta until every feature is smoothed out)

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedOct 27, 2021
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