Extension of You

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your website is one of my favourites on neocities! what inspires you to make art?
imbirowe 5 days ago

I'm gonna cry, thank you so much!! Ahhh—art, mainly emotions and music, I think? It depends on whether we're talking about digital or realism. Honestly, realism is my main field right now since I'm applying to art college this year. This is where I'm expressing myself the most—this is the language I'm fluent in. Absolutely going crazy with contrast, perspective...

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imbirowe 5 days ago

BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY OF THAT WORK DISPLAYED on my page, so... let's talk about digital. When it comes to that: stories, my past, music, things that I love, friends—especially friends. Also, I'm really into role-play, so a lot of my illustrations are connected to that. I treat role-playing veeeeeery seriously, so the emotional baggage is crazy sometimes.

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imbirowe 5 days ago

Especially when you start identifying with characters or the world. And I can't forget about other artists! I love the art community—this is where my place is. Being even more honest, I draw in random waves of obsession. (And i treat it as inspiration)

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imbirowe 5 days ago

Whether it's an obsession with some show that I'm gonna throw fan art at for months or an obsession with drawing in general, it's never predictable. Last time, in January, I drew the weirdest things—loved it. Sometimes it happens with songs too, I illustrate while listening trying to show how I feel it.

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imbirowe 5 days ago

That’s why you’ll sometimes find lyrics scribbled on my pieces. Thanks for asking! ALSO, the vibe of your page gives me comfort, and your consistency with journaling impresses me!! Sorry, this is kinda long—I love talking about art, and no one has asked me this before.

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expressionless 5 days ago

@imbirowe wowow okayy. I love the fact you use music as inspiration, I never quite thought of connecting the two like you did, but now that you say it I can almost imagine an image of how some songs make me feel (thinking of Frank Ocean here). Thank you so much for the reply !!

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CreatedFeb 8, 2025
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