Koshka's Kingdom

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koshka 3 years ago

Updated the Somnium with some macabre (and goofy) new dreams I had written down from years past, and updated the old Words/Phrases I Hate article with some new additions. Also renamed the General Griping subsection of articles to Comedy/General Griping to better fit the contents and remind people to not take the articles contained therein too seriously.

cyberwitch 3 years ago

Your "Words/Phrases That I Hate" page was very cathartic to read, LOL. Your dreams remind me of one I had not too long ago. I was trying a new doughnut place that had the best doughnuts, and I found out the owners were sacrificing people to the old gods in exchange for them. I could've saved the next victims, but instead I was like, "Just one more doughnut..."

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

"You should smile more!" omfg. the last thing americans need is more smiling. we smile way too much.

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fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

I really enjoy reading bother people's dreams, I also have overwhelmingly strange dreams...

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koshka 3 years ago

@cyberwitch Thank you! I'm very happy you found that page cathartic. That page and most of the comedy section is me letting off steam over things that have been boiling my blood for ages, so I'm glad someone else feels the same way about some of it! That sounds like a really fun dream. It always intrigues me how we often make such seemingly odd choices in dreams. I too tend to make a lot of callous decisions in mine.

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koshka 3 years ago

@holeinmyheart I fully agree! It just feels insincere and even creepy when people are smiling for no reason. In a number of other countries such as Russia, it's expected for people (including women) to only smile when they have a good reason for doing so.

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koshka 3 years ago

@fragmentandreflect Same here! I think they're an excellent source of creativity. It's amusing what sort of stories our brain can come up with when it's haphazardly reorganising our memories and creating a chaotic quilt made up of decades worth of memories in the process.

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lolwut 3 years ago

I'm delighted to see additions to the "Words/Phrases That I Hate" page -- it's one of my favorites on your site. Being a 2000s nostalgic, I especially dislike the "embrace change, change is inevitable" phrase, for obvious reasons, and it's irritating to think about how much combined time I've lost over the years partaking in the socially obligatory "How are you?" ritual at the beginning of conversations.

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koshka 3 years ago

@lolwut I'm glad you liked the page! I'm not as much of a fan of it anymore as I honestly haphazardly wrote it while drunk because I put far less effort into the website into those early days, but it really needed an update either way. It vexes me how often "change is inevitable" is used as a reason for things (such as abysmal UI changes in operating systems and websites.)

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koshka 3 years ago

Yes, change is inevitable, but using it as the sole/main excuse for doing something is as absurd as murdering something and justifying it by pointing out that death is inevitable. I do not and will never understand it. But, the more I live, the more I realise what a goldmine of comedy there is in just stopping to analyse how little sense many of the things that people say actually are.

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koshka 3 years ago

Regarding the "how are you?" exchanges, I remember getting reprimanded by my father as a child for starting conversations with people by just getting straight to the point, and I still don't know what's so wrong about that. At least I'm not wasting people's time with meaningless interactions! The "how are you?" stuff is essentially equivalent to screaming "HELLO!! I CARE ABOUT YOUR WELFARE!! Anyway..." at people.

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