Koshka's Kingdom

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koshka 3 years ago

Added analyses of the Sisters of Mercy songs "Flood II" and "Susanne" to the Reptile House, and replaced the sidebar on the Town of ZZT with a funky custom one that better suits the section's design.

fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

Woa your Sisters of Mercy write up is incredible. And I really feel a vibe in the design that’s faintly reminiscent of the album covers and the MIDI is awesome. I was a big fan of old school goth when I was younger and used to have most of their albums on vinyl though I never did a deep exploration of lyrical content and I love all of the research you did.

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fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

Just in general, your writing is really really good, I really feel a sense of strength and coherency in the way you express yourself. Sorry to read about the loss of your friend :( I love the conversation about the ocean as a living promordial womb.

fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

just this one seentence was a bit confusing: "I have decided to dedicate this song to my personal interpretations of some of their songs"

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you so much for your very kind feedback! I'm very grateful both that you read it and that you liked it! Sisters of Mercy definitely has some surprisingly complicated lyrics, and I love how it feels like I'm solving a riddle trying to understand them.

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koshka 3 years ago

It's very cool that you had the vinyl versions of their albums. And here I was thinking that I was old school for still collecting CDs, lol. I'm tempted sometimes to start collecting vinyls too. Thank you for catching that typo! I meant to write "dedicate this site", but screwed up. I appreciate you catching that. I re-read most of what I write many times, but unfortunately I am abysmal at catching my own typos.

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fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

Look forward to reading more lyrical explorations. I've had Sisters songs goign through my head since last night, I love the line "like a healing hand" in This Corrosion, and that music video, so f-ing good. I got a lot of vinyl in the 90's for pennies when it wasn't cool for a while and everyone was buying CD's.

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fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

If you do switch to vinyl it will blow your mind, it's such a deeper and more soulful listening experience..

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

I am enjoying "Flood II". and i second @fragmentandreflect regarding your comments about the ocean

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koshka 3 years ago

@fragmentandreflect Thank you! I'm glad someone else likes these lyrical explorations! I like to listen to Sisters of Mercy whenever I'm writing/drawing, or just in a melancholic mood. They're very cathartic, but also good at making you think. Trying out vinyl is definitely on my list of things to do eventually, as I've heard many other people make similiar comments about the sound quality.

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