Koshka's Kingdom

2,002 updates
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koshka 3 years ago

Added a fairly detailed analysis of the Sisters of Mercy song "Under the Gun" to the Reptile House. As always, be sure to drop by #Neocities on, and let me know if you want to stop by but need helping getting an IRC client working, etc.

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koshka 3 years ago

I did some beautification on the Scratchging Post, organising the update archive by seasons and making the text more readable at @ShadowM00n's helpful suggestion. Technically this is yesterday's update but it wasn't showing up on the timeline then. I'll try to put up a new page/article tomorrow, but I have not yet even decided what to write about so we'll see...

koshka 3 years ago

Forgot to make my obligatory beseechment to visit the unofficial Neocities IRC channel over at #Neocities on We have excellent conversation around evening time in the United States! Let me know if you want to visit but need help setting up an IRC client and getting online!

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koshka 3 years ago

Nothing big. Just announcing that the entirety of Koshka's Kingdom (~61 pages as of this writing!) is finally validated to XHTML1.1/CSS3 standards, aside from the Jazz Jackrabbit shrine and the Reptile House, which utilise Internet Explorer and html5 for background music. Until the W3 Consortium sees reason and brings MIDI support to HTML, those two issues will prevail.

koshka 3 years ago

Added a fan-shrine to Ribrianne (Brianne de Chateau) from Dragon Ball Super to the Mount Paozu section. Something I had been considering for a while. She's not at all my favourite character, but I felt that all of the hysterical vitriol towards her required some sort of counter-attack. Also validated the goofy Dragon Ball AF/Super page to HTML 3.2 standards just because I can. (:

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

i dont know a damn thing about this but i adore the color scheme. also repping unpopular characters is based

koshka 3 years ago

Thank you kindly, @holeinmyheart! It's funny that you would say that. I modeled the colour scheme after Ribrianne's own colour scheme, but started thinking it was very oddly reminiscent of your own website's colour scheme after finishing it.

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koshka 3 years ago

Put up a new page on the UFO, about my own personal thoughts on the controversial phenomenon known as autigender. I have been trying to get this done for two months now due to worrying about how it would come off, but ultimately decided these thoughts needed to be expressed.

koshka 3 years ago

Unrelated but, I beseech anyone reading this to get on the Neocities IRC channel at #Neocities on if you have not yet done so. I promise we don't bite!

bmh 3 years ago

Lots more thought provoking stuff! I've noticed myself caring less and less about what people think over the years and I'm now facinated by the idea I could be biologically wired this way, to not conform! But then, is it that I've (subconsciously or naturally) sought a life void of social contact so I don't have to conform, and thus lead my brain to become wired this way, or was it wired this way all along?!

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you so much, bmh! It's not my place to make any assumptions about you specifically, but there are theories that a decreased or complete lack of social motivation is one of the absolute pillars of neurodivergency/autism. I have pondered the same thing you mentioned, and still don't know. I adore social contact with the few people I like, but it's not something I necessarily seek out or can't live without.

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I like the "Neurotypical Disorder" page
nykanen 3 years ago

You have a lot of good stuff!

koshka 3 years ago

Thank you muchly! I like your website a lot too, especially The Folly of Man! You have a very pleasant art style.

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nykanen 3 years ago

Thank you. I think I read like half of your site yesterday :D

koshka 3 years ago

Thank you! That genuinely means a lot to me! I am delighted to be able to entertain/educate.

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koshka 3 years ago

Added a bunch of new links to the Dock (more details on the Portal/Scratching Post), updated two Affiliate link descriptions, made the Observatory section XHTML compliant, and added a WIP new button bashing discord and promoting the unofficial Neocities IRC channel over at Stop by and say hi! I should be active every day around evening times in American time zones.

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Just wanted to say that I *ADORE* your website, especially the Lair and Library! It has to be one of the most sublime and intriguing sites I've seen in over 20 years of surfing the Web.
gothzone 3 years ago

Thank you so much! <333 It's one of my favorite things to work on so I'm super glad other people enjoy the 'Zone as much as I do :)

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you for responding!! I can tell you liked working on the Zone by how much love you've put into it! It's truly a very unique and well-crafted website and I appreciate being able to experience it! (:

koshka 3 years ago

Wrote up a new comedy article in the style of my older and more abrasive style ones (i.e.; Words I Hate), attacking a number of common child-related platitudes, and added a custom sidebar to the Library of Babel section. Also XHTML validated a few additional sections of the website and deleted my Gab account for reasons outlined in the update text on the Portal/Scratching Post.

cyberwitch 3 years ago

"Lamentable as it may be, it's far more likely for a child to grow up to be a sexual predator than a world-changing physicist." A very unpleasant truth. I've never understood the appeal of having children. Too much work and suffering and little to no reward. Antinatalism only reinforces my feelings on the subject.

koshka 3 years ago

Thank you for your comment, @CyberWitch! I have to agree. Having children is an extreme burden (especially on the woman), that essentially takes over the lives of the parents and has far too much risk to it, with no reward. Imagine dedicating ~18 or so years of your life and innumerable resources towards raising a child, only for them to turn out to be a sexual predator.

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

what's funny about this is that a lot of your suggestions are arguably "pro-child": not treating them as special, not putting them on a pedestal, judging them by their merit, holding them responsible for their actions, etc. i think children themselves would be far happier if they were treated like actual human beings, lol

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koshka 3 years ago

Finally added a "random humourous observations" page to the Library of Babel, and did a bunch of work getting the UFO, Per-Bast, Wildcat Den, and Scratching Post sections to be XHTML validated. Each page will have an official XHTML validation button at the bottom once it no longer violates any standards.

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CreatedAug 3, 2020
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