Koshka's Kingdom

2,002 updates
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Thank you kindly for linking to my site! I adore your sentiments about personal websites being vessels for preserving people's souls (certainly something I have been hoping to do with mine) and have added you as an Affiliate and referenced you in my new article today. Keep up the good work! Ɑ:
pre-dead 3 years ago

Thank you so much! Your site is one of my favorite bizarre electric soul capsules, so this is definitely high praise, haha. Excellent company for lunacy indeed. Peace and love from pre-dead labs!

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you for your gracious praise!

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lolwut 3 years ago

"...legendary Old Web stalwart lolwut": You truly flatter me, Koshka -- thank you very much for describing me in such an esteemed manner.

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koshka 3 years ago

Just saying it like it is, my friend. I have long admired your dedication, including going as far as still using the much-maligned Internet Explorer. Your taking on the mantle of leading VidLii/BitView only further solidified my respect.

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For anyone looking for a place to chat with fellow old Web/Internet enthusiasts, stop by the IRC chatroom #Neocities on ! Unlike the failing proprietary spyware platform, discord, that is so often pushed on Neocities by misguided folks, IRC is a time-tested and independent medium of communication from the early days of the Internet that still enjoys much usage today!
koshka 3 years ago

Two excellent articles on why everyone should avoid Discord like the plague, one from Spyware Watchdog here on Neocities, and the other from the legendary free software guru Richard Stallman.

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koshka 3 years ago

Forgot to include links to the two best IRC clients, for anyone who does not have one: HexChat and Irssi

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pondsurfer 3 years ago

glad to hear! been amazed at how many here seem to love discord. awful platform.

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koshka 3 years ago

@mordzine Agreed! It's especially glaring given how many people here claim to miss the spirit of the old Internet. Just reeks of hypocrisy and intellectual laziness... ):

koshka 3 years ago

For various reasons, I have decided to migrate the Kingdom from Neocities to its own hosting. Full statement located on the Scratching Post. I will make notes here when I update, but please make sure you are using as your RSS feed, as the one on will not be updated anymore.

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

congrats!! ty for continuing the neocities feed updates thatll def help me (i need to start using rss tho lolol)

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you, my friend!! It's just a common courtesy that I have seen @lolwut and other former Neocities netizens do, so I figured I would also do the same thing. I know that not everyone uses or likes using RSS and are used to following everyone via Neocities. (:

Ukraine, which has spent years provoking Russia into a war at the west's behest, has now been caught using weapons banned by international law. THIS is what you bleating imbeciles are supporting:
koshka 3 years ago

Amusing to have lost four followers due to these remarks. May the feces continue flushing itself. ^-^

Very disheartening to see so much idiotic, misguided Russophobic and pro-Ukraine propaganda even on Neocities. Once again we see that the vast majority of westerners are easily-led sheep that will lap up whatever agendas their governments feed them. Putin is a bad guy for fighting to protect his people and his country's sovereignty from foreign aggressors, yet America is a beacon of Democracy despite how many
koshka 3 years ago

countries they have destroyed and how many people they have senselessly murdered or displaced? Westerners are taught to hate and fear China and Russia, yet the only real threats we face consistently come from our own governments and lying, censorship-happy media. Quite lamentable that in the so-called "land of the free", I have to rely on news outlets from other countries just to hear anything remotely close

koshka 3 years ago

to the truth.

koshka 3 years ago

Americans would lose their minds if China or Russia spend decades provoking them while planting troops and missiles along the Canadian and Mexican borders, but Russia is expected to just put up with this. If you agitate and threaten a bear enough times, no one with any sense will feel bad for you when the bear inevitably mauls you.

koshka 3 years ago

It's charming to see dictatorships that assault and crack down on innocent protesters, force millions of people to inject themselves with a dangerous experimental drug, and lock people up for smuggling FOOD during a lockdown, all suddenly coming out of the woodwork to stand up for "Democracy" in Ukraine.

bmh 3 years ago

The US millitary complex rubs its hands together every time it can stir up yet another conflict. And the media complex is always in on the charade... yet again working to divide people.

chronicles 3 years ago

@bmh 100%! The media is a disgusting and divisive force in society. They’ll probably try and politicize Russia’s attacks on Ukraine. Using tragedy to further a political agenda. I despair!

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koshka 3 years ago

The U.S. just accused Russia of "manufacturing threats that do not exist in order to justify further aggression", which is ironically has been their exact M.O. for many decades now.

lolwut 3 years ago

I don't follow political news and world events attentively, and am therefore largely ignorant of the background and causes of this conflict, but I still agree wholeheartedly that there is far too much suspicion, fear, and antipathy in the West towards Russia and Russians (and also towards China and the Chinese) that has been brought about by Western governments and mainstream media.

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lolwut 3 years ago

Also, I know that there is much enmity between you and Kuz, but I showed him these most recent posts of yours, and he said that he agrees with you and thinks that you are correct, if that means anything to you.

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you for your open-mindedness, as usual, @lolwut. I don't believe for a second that China and Russia are perfect, but they are in no way worse than the United States and western countries in general. People excuse 80 years of the U.S. running rampshod over the globe, creating death and mayhem wherever they go, but jump on China/Russia for every little thing they do, no matter how minor or reasonable.

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koshka 3 years ago

Also, it may surprise you taht that DOES mean a lot to me. I was actually thinking about Kuz earlier today and thinking about asking to bury the hatchet with him, as I do not want to have a feud with a fellow Russian, especially in these times. I've caused enough bad blood lately as it is.

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koshka 3 years ago

One of those "yard sale" updates. I created a brand new header for the UFO section due to my growing dissatisfaction with the original one due to the infinity symbol not looking like a real rainbow (which I felt did not look good on the design). The new header is in my opinion far prettier and more stylish. Additionally, I added to new dreams to the Somnium (a new one and a childhood one), and added one new Affiliate

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

"(the most realistic part of the dream)" LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO RELATEABLE THO

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koshka 3 years ago

I think at some point, I subconsciously took the philosophy of "well the world could end tomorrow, so it won't matter!" to its logical extreme. Or it's just life-long executive dysfunction and no understanding of what that term even meant until a few years ago...

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koshka 3 years ago

I am interrupting this prolonged silence by putting up a prolonged shameless infodump on the Halloween horror movie series. Everything you've ever wanted to know, didn't want to know, and didn't know that you wanted to know about Michael Myers. This will live on the Haunted House section, which I have decided to branch out into being a "general horror fiction" section instead of limited to just creepypastas.

holeinmyheart 3 years ago

wb! wow that was actualy very engaging even tho ive never seen the series. your jokes made me LOL!!! uve convinced me to check out at least part 1. (btw i think u messed up the spins link under timeline 4?)

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fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

Duuuude!! Heck ya!

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you so much for reading, @HoleinMyHeart!! I'm glad you liked it. Halloween is generally considered one of the best horror films of all time so it's definitely worth a watch. Thank you for pointing out the broken link too! I have fixed it.

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koshka 3 years ago

I added the follow-up article to the first Life Advice to Younger Autistics article to the UFO, offering up some additional important advice, including some more personal things. Many apologies for the delay, as I had previously mentioned this would be up LAST weekend, but completely lost track of time.

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bmh 3 years ago

Most of my IRL best friends in the past 20 years have been cats!

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