Koshka's Kingdom

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koshka 3 years ago

After working all day at it, I have finally completed and put up the long-awaited Commander Keen 4 fan-shrine: The Shadowlands. Accessible via the Keen icon over at the Mystery Mansion. This is probably the last computer game fan-shrine until the Monster Bash and Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Christmas Chronicles ones on Halloween and Christmas. Don't forget to check out yesterday's Autism article too if you missed it!

koshka 3 years ago

I put up a new page on the UFO describing some accommodations that can help autistic people in their daily life, and made a statement on the Portal/Scratching Post about the Kingdom achieving the grand milestone of over 50,000 viewers!

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koshka 3 years ago

Created a cute "tree mailbox" for the Wildcat Den and wrote up a comical rant about my audacious ambitions for the Kingdom. New article tomorrow, most likely.

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koshka 3 years ago

Finally finished my work of making Koshka's Kingdom m*bile-friendly (aside from KamiTube and Diamondus.) In far more important and riveting news (that I learned too late to make a timely announcement about) however, TODAY IS ALL CAPS DAY, SO BE SURE TO DROP BY IRC AT #NEOCITIES ON IRC.RIZON.NET TO CELEBRATE WITH THE REST OF US!! Ɑ:

koshka 3 years ago

For the record, no page on the website should be loading any differently than before for those of us on real computers. I have not changed my strict anti-mobile stance, but merely decided it was worth making some compromise for the benefit of being able to educate more visitors on the very important topics of autism acceptance, Bast worship, making the Web great again, etc.

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koshka 3 years ago

Updated The Conflagration (Jiren fan-shrine) with some notable quotes from the almighty Grey from Dragon Ball Super, and an analysis of what his desired wish might be in the anime version of the series. In other news, I'm continuing to make more and more pages work well on smaller screens, with most of the website now loading nicely(-ish) on any size screen.

koshka 3 years ago

A friend on the #Neocities IRC channel informed me that the image maps on the Mystery Mansion/World Map/Portal weren't working in Chromium-based browsers. It turned out that for some odd reason Chromium doesn't support the XHTML 1.1 valid way of creating them, so I had to "fix" those pages by using XHTML 1.0 Transitional standards instead. If any of you fine folks were using Chrome or something similiar and wondering

koshka 3 years ago

why there was apparently an entire section dedicated to a screenshot of a static Explorer games folder window, all of that should now work fine for you! Also, I validated the RSS feed and arranged the items on the poorly-hidden to-do list that is accessible from the Mystery Mansion image map in APPROXIMATE order of when the promised content can be expected. EXCITING TIMES!

koshka 3 years ago

Happy Autistic Pride Day, again!! Did a (longer than I anticipated) write-up about all sorts of "strange" autistic behaviours that we do, and the explanations for why we do them.

fragmentandreflect 3 years ago

Great write-up, i'm too brain dead right now to properly express all the nuances of how awesome this is, but ya, nice

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cyberwitch 3 years ago

Wow, I seriously relate to most of these. Autism is so rich and complex and I hate that I was surrounded by people, including doctors, who treated it as if it were an illness! I guess being different just terrifies neurotypicals.

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lolwut 3 years ago

Koshka, I have learned more about autism from your site than from any other source, and in the process I have also become more understanding of and tolerant towards autistics. Your site is truly a valuable resource on the topic. (Also, I recognize in myself, to varying degrees, some of the behaviors you listed in this article.)

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owlroost 3 years ago

You have a knack for description! I chuckled at a few comparisons because they're very accurate (particularly the chips metaphor for infodumping- that's a very apt description). This is an excellent bit of writing.

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koshka 3 years ago

@fragmentandreflect Thank you so much for your kind praise! I really appreciate your comment.

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koshka 3 years ago

@cyberwitch Thank you very much!! I'm sorry that you had to go through that. It's hell having to deal with people who won't accept you for who you are and think your very self is a disease in need of "curing." It's sad that even many actual doctors are still that ignorant. I'm very hopeful that as understanding of autism continues to grow, there will be greater acceptance towards us.

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koshka 3 years ago

@lolwut Thank you for your constant support! It jubilates me to hear that I have been able to help you become more empathetic towards and understanding of autistic folks! I really feel that the world as a whole would be vastly more empathetic towards autistics if there was a more widespread understanding of why we behave the way we do. "Everything understood is everything forgiven" to quote a Russian proverb.

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koshka 3 years ago

@owlcollective Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it! I've been told that I have excellent metaphors; I think I just spend far too much time ruminating on patterns and similiarities in everything and unwittingly come up with far too many amusing comparisons in the process.

Happy Autistic Pride Day! I am hoping to have a new autism-related page up this evening. I started working on it but it turned out to be a tad more long-winded than I anticipated.
koshka 3 years ago

The entire Per-Bast and UFO sections, the most important sections of Koshka's Kingdom, should now render well no matter how small or large the viewer's screen resolution is. Was hoping to do more but unexpected IRL problems keep popping up...

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koshka 3 years ago

Did some beautification of the World Map, inspired by some of @CyberWitch's sublime designs, and made changes to the Wildcat Den/Scratching Post to make them render well on lower screen resolutions. No changes to the look/feel were made for proper large desktop computer screen resolutions.


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CreatedAug 3, 2020
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