Finally got around to adding a proper Shrines page! No shrines are available currently though, so it's just placceholders... but they'll be there soon!
omg that's really kind, thank you!!! your site is really cute and well-designed :)
Added some new graphics and played with the folders a bit for the artwork. Currently looking into getting a guestbook implemented.
Also just added a guestbook! Need to poke at the CSS more to make it look nicer but the option is there. I used Ayano's neocities comment widget :3
Lots of good stuff. The mobile formatting has been completed(ish - the art pages kind of look lame on mobile...), I've fixed the issues with the decorative images breaking out, and I made a few extraneous tweaks to the site. Bad news... I'm removing the Digital Garden page. As much as I adore it, the way it is formatted makes it impossible to view without a 1920x1080 monitor. I'm removing it for the time being.
Trying to make the website a little more responsive - fixed the flexboxes (as much as I want the navbar to be sticky on the screen, it is VERY problematic for responsiveness...) and made a very rough mobile navbar. it looks bad but imma tired so it's gonna stay put for now:(
Just did some tweaking to fix a little bit of breakout on mobile devices. Still looks like shit but it's a bit better now.
oh, thanks so much! we really need to add more to it but we're glad you like it already haha -ayano