kinda getting back on track but it's gonna take a while to upload my latest blog solely because i decided to reorganize a folder so idk expect to see a bunch of stuff go up at once later today.
I'm very sorry for your loss and hope you can take some small comfort in that you did everything right, and the dog lived to a ripe old age (speaking as someone who worked with animals for years in a professional capacity + also an ex-dachshund owner). I would strongly recommend against trying to detect/treat cancers in dogs of that age, they tend to come back and the repeated surgeries are massively stressful.
either way, no matter what holiday you all celebrate i wish you all the best and i hope u have a better holiday than me
im sorry to respond so late, i had to do holiday things, ty for the condolences. i feel bad cos we had 2 of them, brothers, and the other one is just waiting for his brother and he doesn't realize.
revamping this page really took like 4 days but it was worth it ashlghgh