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i had fun btw !! got mostly money (people didnt know what to get me) so i bought a miku plushie :) and we went bowling (was meant to go to a cat cafe but it shut down and we only found out 2 days before my birthday ;-; still had fun bowling and it was easier to plan since it was closer to home)
Kirby Super Star has a glitch specifically on emulators where at certain points the entire game's graphic and internal data will glitch out at any area and immediately send you to the Marx fight with glitched graphics. also glad you had a good birthday!
hope you enjoyed your birthday!! my favorite glitch is the mew glitch in pokemon red/blue but ive literally never been able to do it ๐ญ๐ญ a glitch I have done is driving thru the out-of-bounds areas in mkwii
thank you!!! and ooo, those are interesting!! i wonder why emulator specific glitches arent more common, actually - maybe emulators have just gotten that good !! and mew glitch is a classic, obviously