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oh nooooo that’s so shit i hope you can get it working properly!!
i didnt notice it was broken at first because id just switched it off and like there wasnt any visible cracks on the screen or anything (and also my laptop has survived worse and my phone didnt appear to hit it that hard(. so annoyed lmao just as i was starting to do more stuff with it. also i cant get the right resolution for it on my monitor it just cuts off around the edges or is completely squished
@manyface thank you!! i have some temporary solutions for now but its still annoying :P
i would attempt to replace the screen itself but those things can be expensive/i dont have enough experience in repair and dont want to break anything that actually works in the process/i dont know what model the laptop is/i dont know if it will even let me repair it
i can fix most software related stuff but the actual hardware is out of my realm of ability unfortunately. for now atleast. i am very stubborn about keeping this laptop despite what everyone in my family is telling me