i didnt notice it was broken at first because id just switched it off and like there wasnt any visible cracks on the screen or anything (and also my laptop has survived worse and my phone didnt appear to hit it that hard(. so annoyed lmao just as i was starting to do more stuff with it. also i cant get the right resolution for it on my monitor it just cuts off around the edges or is completely squished
@manyface thank you!! i have some temporary solutions for now but its still annoying :P
i would attempt to replace the screen itself but those things can be expensive/i dont have enough experience in repair and dont want to break anything that actually works in the process/i dont know what model the laptop is/i dont know if it will even let me repair it
i can fix most software related stuff but the actual hardware is out of my realm of ability unfortunately. for now atleast. i am very stubborn about keeping this laptop despite what everyone in my family is telling me
anyways my friend asked if html is easy enough for a baby to understand and i dont have a baby but i do have a little sibling which is close enough so im going to see if i can teach them html stuff
I'm struggling to get the characters consistent . bleh whatever its a sketch it's fine
i need to fix stuff which ill hopefully do tommorow but im preparing to move stuff around for v2
it's not that I don't enjoy working on it I know its just gonna take forever
also I'm drawing this on my phone which means double the amount I'll have to stretch my wrist . and double the wrists to stretch since one has to hold the phone
yeah stuff still takes ages but I feel like it's the fastest I'm going to get this thing. doing stuff in windows is such a nightmare but I want to use it for older games so it's not a problem
and also storage because may I remind you: https://file.garden/ZXR-dj_dI1vYUkW7/1TB.png
want to downgrade the windows part to win7 so maybe it'll run better but i can't be bothered
I can't find an official statement about it anywhere, all the stuff I can find is what others have said and the fact that I'm pretty sure it's on the list of things the supporter tier gives now. if you could send me an official source on it I'd be grateful!
still, this feels really scummy, and I really hope it gets pushed back somehow.
sorry, i can't find an official source on it either :/ you could try reaching out to the creator of neocities, kyle drake, for a statement as it seems he's pretty responsive? other than that though, i do host some audio files on catbox.moe and i've never run into any issues with it, so filegarden definitely has a chance of working out. i'm also able to use imood, i have no idea why that works but status.cafe doesn't
the whole stricter restrictions on new accounts thing does feel really unfair, i understand the need for it and i support it to a degree but i think it could've been implemented so much better, especially in a way that doesn't alienate part of the userbase. my hope is that they introduce some kind of verification system or even a one time payment so new users can permanently get the same permissions as older users :T
im pretty sure the restrictions only apply to fetching and scripts! if you're just sourcing images it should all work fine. see https://content-security-policy.neocities.org/
okay, good to know and thank you so much!