
885 updates
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would people like if I made updates when new sites are added to the directory? note: this is directed towards people who will be using the directory to find indie websites
Set up an RSS feed! I'll try to post updates here too but you'll see them more reliably in the feed most likely, so I'd recommend subscribing!
oh I should really make an RSS feed for accessible net too
does anyone have resources for dark/light mode toggles? I have a theme switcher in my resources but I'm looking specifically just to toggle between light and dark mode
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justfluffingaround 1 year ago

Lost letters on neocities just put this in a comment on their profile:

pinkvampyr 1 year ago

thank you!!

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hiii I'm the admin for accessible net! if you have any questions or comments I'll try to get to them here!
justfluffingaround 1 year ago

Here are 2 accessibility things I've learned over the years: Max line length for reading should be 55 to 66 characters including spaces. 2) Large blocks of text are hard to read for many disabilities and general readers, good rule of thumb is 4-6 lines or 4-5 sentences long to give eyes reading breaks.

justfluffingaround 1 year ago

Hyperlinks should always describe what they are clicking since screen readers often jump to links to navigate the page. Instead the link saying something like "click here" it should describe where the link is going like the title of the article or webpage or the purpose of the link like "how to code my accessible layout here".

justfluffingaround 1 year ago

Using bolds and italics sparingly is indeed good to avoid eyestrain or migraines for readers, but using headings or bolds before different sections of your articles/posts can be helpful for navigation of screen readers (they can jump to html eadings just like they can links), scan reading, and breaking up the paragraphs in described chunks.

pinkvampyr 1 year ago

Thank you! Most of these are things I knew but totally forgot to add ๐Ÿ˜… typical me

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hearing people actually putting effort into accessibility bc of accessnet has me tearing up like!! that's so lovely!!
justfluffingaround 1 year ago

Next task on my to do list after I finish my links/resources page is coding a button to pause gifs/animations!

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btw I'm working on reuploading all the yesterlinks stuff to my own bookmarks page. right now you can only find it on archive dot org so I figure if anyone still wanted those resources handy I'd nab em.
pinkvampyr 1 year ago

I'm also adding my own bookmarks of course

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punkwasp 1 year ago

the source code for yesterlinks is also still available on github! so if anyone wants to they could potentially download it and fiddle around with it themselves, it looks like all the data is still there

pinkvampyr 1 year ago

@punkwasp yeah I thought about doing that but it involves JavaScript and bleh. I'm just using owls script. but if anyone else wants to do that it'd be awesome!

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ok i made a profile on neocities for accessnet, so if you have any questions you can drop them there!
hey I wanted to check out your site but the scanlines effect kinda makes it hard to look at ๐Ÿ˜… maybe if there was an option to turn it off?
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malakleo 1 year ago

sry about that! I'm planning on adding a button to turn off animations on the index page but I haven't gotten to that yet,,,


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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 13, 2022
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personal pink cute accessibility resources