platinumtulip | digital garden sanctuary

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platinumtulip 2 years ago

added a new section to the writing page, along with some thoughts on posting art online

pixelglade 2 years ago

I can completely relate to the feeling of futility and 'nonsense' associated with business talk. My graphic design course has a big marketing / business focus and I feel like I really suck at it. But then, I feel like so many of the projects have been designed to have a corporate spin of some kind that I've become a bit cynical especially about the marketing side.

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pixelglade 2 years ago

Okay to be fair the marketing segment isn't that big, just our most recent assignments preparing for business

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pixelglade 2 years ago

"late diagnosis" 250 years late oh no

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updated a few of my OC pages to be more consistent with my layout! i still need to finish an update for Iris, just waiting on a few things 💜
platinumtulip 2 years ago

got around to adding small stories i've written!

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedApr 16, 2018
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writing art personal drawing ocs