+ bug to be fixed sometime: make it so touching the cartoon smile page does not shroud over the style preference if not otherwise adjusted lmao (but maybe it's also an accidental poetic move in a sense... who knows)
big one! there's now a style picker!!! may need a hard refresh (used kale's (i.e. kalechips) style switcher that i found via meyyebs) (im stupidly proud of the ouch-style hahahah, as per my idea i'd posted about a while back)
a depiction via link, for now: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1135102332011565149/1169554550508748821/20231102_101831.jpg
...except the bandcamp collection table yet, cos that's on a different workflow involving piping a csv thru a python script lmao, but i'll see someday about that one too
thank you! my website was made for sneakily reading at work 🤙 also yeah finding out about the new tab thing blew my mind, it was a lesson in understanding that default/standard options are there for a reason and i shouldnt be restrictive on account of It's How *I* Use It. very humbling very cool.
some sitewide tweaks, may need a hard refresh to display properly (mainly cos of the skip to content button)... and a sitemap !