
1,380 updates
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update coming soon! Plans to update my books read page, add an artifact blog, and possibly post some of my art.
Stuff has been stuck in the mail lately... I want my new book of German Expressionist poems!
I haven't finished a book yet in 2022 but I've finished 3 paintings so things are looking up.
Huzzah , an update ;)
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Currently inactive I guess! jeez.
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Damn I miss when I had time for this place. My apprenticeship has been rough. I'm almost finished with Antkind. I might get to do coke on my birthday at a poor farm-turned-hotel with my two favorite co-workers. We may get naked and do a Human Tatipede. That's when a bunch of tatters get naked and form a chain of tattooing and getting tattooed. Picture it. Anyway, I haven't finished another book. More into poetry rn!
watered my Scindapsus pictus and put it in the sun. Still reading Antkind. I just don't have time to update my site lately. I work at the shop 5 days a week and I have band practice the other 2 days. Miss y'all.
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I am still here! I'll update my site in a bit here. Getting a bit busy with my apprenticeship, but the reading goal is on track!
godcock 3 years ago

I keep reading your account name as 'socks-on'.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedAug 20, 2020
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