The Burned Out Nerd

101 updates
0 tips
I bought a new domain because I have a problem and many ideas. I'm hoping to toss up another site in February with actual content. In the meant time, expect some reading rambles on this site :D.
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First site update of the new year, and I'm actually reading a book. I am surprised by myself. Now, will I actually finish it is the question.
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bmh 4 years ago

'Beat the Backlist Reading Challenge' sounds like a good one; I always have a reading pile waiting for my attention.

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I went through a stage where I couldn't bring myself to read for a long time. It was after I'd graduated from Uni and suffered an illness which massively ruined my concentration. I have it back now, but my reading productivity is not what it was before I went to uni. I tried doing some challenges too (around the time when I was at uni and just after) and no longer do them because I found it made me procrastinate.
theburnedoutnerd 4 years ago

I was just chatting with a friend and they made a similar observation. We used to devour books all throughout middle school and high school, but college seemed to have sucked that ferocity right out of us. I graduated 4 years ago, and I just haven't been the same since. It's funny, though. I read fanfiction constantly, but I just can't pick up an original book.

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bmh 4 years ago

Personally I just have to avoid distraction; I don't have a smartphone but I have to leave my computer alone. Then I try and stick to a set amount of reading per day, such as a chapter in the morning and a chapter in the evening.

birdsandstars 4 years ago

College did the same to me!! I read much slower now, but since my internship year, I’ve been able to read for fun again!! It’s hard to get started and I typically only read a chapter a day instead of consume whole books in one night or read non-stop until a book is done, but I’m happy to rediscover that joy. Good luck! Don’t hold yourself to past standards.

After like forever, I've finally updated my site. I've decided to focus on a simple layout for the site. For content, it's gonna be my online reading journal. Maybe now, I'll finally read some of the many books I own :D
I follow a lot of awesome pages, and all I want to do is design an awesome page, but I'm lazy, so I think I need to step back from trying to build something from scratch and just use a generator.
I'm currently working on my homepage and my reading page. I also want a way to constantly showcase my writing links. I think I may add a sidebar or a small link container.
It's been awhile. Whose site should I steal formatting ideas from this time?
hoylecake 4 years ago

big gulp supreme obv lol

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My about page looks right on preview, but looks not right when pulled up. I don't understand.
theburnedoutnerd 4 years ago

So apparently FireFox just isn't picking up the changes I made. I guess I'll need to clear my cache.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJul 20, 2020
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personal writing reading