Hi there! now you know what i meant by aggravatingly challenging LOL but at least it's fun at the same time :D will do when she gets done snoozing on my foot LOL also thankyou for the follows both here and on Instagram! she sure is and she knows it too ^^
Thank you so much, and thanks for the inspiration to even do the site! :) Lots of stuff to tweak to get the theme howI want, but it'll stick fairly close to the placeholder colors/etc - I think :)
I guess woodpeckers might be a nuisance where you live, but from my perspective in Australia, that's pretty cool!
they go after bugs inside the tree so theyre more of natures little helper for trees but as you can see they can go a bit too crazy too LOL we had a couple that pecked a good size chunk out of a cedar tree near the house and to curb them from making it bigger we nailed 2X4 fencing around the hole. bye bye woodpeckers and the tree is still alive and well several years later
Yeah... it's been slow at updating and such for a couple days now, fery frustrating.
today was the first day i got nailed with it but seen many others stating that it was very slow so i knew it wasnt just my computer or crappy internet for once LOL hopefully whatevers going on gets fixed soon
i hear ya there. i wanted to do more stuff yesterday too but with it being slow as as snail going uphill i gave up too
The trees the woodpeckers had a time with are absolutely amazing. Wow.