
7,571 updates
1 tips isn't up 24/7 just yet but if you see this feel free to join, I need to test how many people I can have watching at once
773tk 1 month ago

this is really cool

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tofokyo 1 month ago

now offline, thanks to everyone that joined, im glad to see its working as intended, expect to see it come back very soooooooon

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update on the hack, It seems it was only my discord account that was compromised and now its been deleted cause the hacker broke tos on it by scamming a bunch of my friends 😭 but hey, that means the site is sfae, rejoice! Sometime within the next 2 weeks, there will be a MAJOR performance update, fixing the long ass load times, so please look forward to that! :D
tofokyo 2 months ago

did i say 2 weeks? give me just a bit more time bros 🙇

hey guys, it appears all my accounts have been compromised, so if the site sees some drastically different changes to like, some crypto scam in the future, just know that person running it is no longer me
toothachesplinter 3 months ago

damn, that's really scary :C i hope every resolves soon and you get your accounts back. wishing you the best ToT!

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tofokyo 3 months ago

it makes me want to put a gun barrel down my throat, but im trying my best to keep it together and get this resolved, its just extra annoying cause this happaned right before Im about to finish a big project im working on :’)

44nifty 3 months ago

is that what happened to the discord server?

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tofokyo 3 months ago

yeah he deleted it as soon as one of my admins made everyone aware

daikonet 3 months ago

woah holy shit i was wondering what happened to the server :( i hope it comes back at some point!! i wish u the best

hey bro idk what ur doing but it looks like you’re completely cloning my site one to one and I do not appreciate that! I’m not sure if this is a misunderstanding or not but please send me a message asap so I can know what’s going on
leakysponge 4 months ago

oh I'm really sorry! I'm not intending to clone your site. I'm using your site's layout as a template for mine. I plan on putting my own stuff into it. I'll try to make the site inaccessible to the public while I'm working on it.

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tofokyo 4 months ago

ok phew that's what I thought it was! There was a feeling in the back of my head that it could've been scraped by a bot or something, but when I saw that the info was changed to be personalized I felt relieved ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

tofokyo 4 months ago

First off, I'm flattered you'd want to use my website as a base despite it being held together with kraft glue and paperclips, and while I think that's awesome, I would much rather if you used it as a reference rather than outright copy and paste the entire thing, y'know?

tofokyo 4 months ago

I mean I copy blocks of code from other people's sites as well, but for me taking the entire thing, like the layout, the custom art assets I made, etc., is pushing it over the line. So as respectfully as I can put this: I'd appreciate if you could write your own website base first using your own code that you wrote, and then use references from other sites.

tofokyo 4 months ago

It's like writing an essay, you can use a little of this and a little of that in addition to your own original work, but just zeroxing an entire report for your essay is plagiarism and just isn't a good look.

tofokyo 4 months ago

I hope you can see my point of view and understand why I feel this way, but if anything please don't let this be a deterrent to making a website! If you send me an email I'll be more than happy to try and help with any html/css questions you have! I feel like you could make something really cool and might have just been a bit misguided (; ω ; )ヾ(´∀`* )

leakysponge 4 months ago

yeah that's what I should've done in the first place... ╯︿╰ thanks for telling me! It's probably better that way lol. I'll be sure to email you! There's just so much stuff & libraries in your site.

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CreatedJul 4, 2021
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