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wizardperspective 7 months ago

Next time, I have to talk about 3D printing filaments in my Tech blog because I think I have a general idea of which filaments (PLA, PLA+, TPU, PETG) I like using which give me good results.

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didntask 7 months ago

im jelly of your 3d printing, it's really cool

wizardperspective 7 months ago

The printers are a lot cheaper and better than when I got into the hobby. It does take time to get good prints, especially on budget printers like the Ender series.

dc-blog 7 months ago

3D Printing firearms is VERY interesting to me lmao. In general, firearms are interesting. I want to one day stockpile a ton of firearms+ammo, in case the fall of civilization comes, although I probably won't ever get the shekels to en masse stockpile firearms.

wizardperspective 7 months ago

Civilization will probably never fall unfortunately. At worst, It'll be like the older fallout games where there's going to be a resurgence in electricty, goverment control, etc. I used to be one of those doom and gloomers if you read my previous blogs from years ago but now I think nothing usually never happens.

wizardperspective 7 months ago

I would generally recommend stockpiling a reasonable amount of firearms and ammo to outlast rising cost. I don't have a lot of firearms so I mostly rely on relatives to try out new stuff which I haven't done in a while. You probably shouldn't go overboard with collecting firearms unless that's something that really interest you. The last thing you want is a bunch of firearms that never get any range time.

wizardperspective 7 months ago

At that point, it's honestly no better than collecting funko pops. You have to balance out your hobbies with one another and funny enough, 3D printing is a pretty versitle hobby that covers vidya, tech, firearms, and maybe anime related stuff too (Because I'm too cheap to buy figures).

didntask 7 months ago

Print a Gameboy pistol where you can load game cartridge magazines and an anime girl stand that holds it all with her arms out. Also the pistol still fires bullets, the game carts are just part of the magazines

didntask 7 months ago

The screen would be uh ... On the barrel. It's collapsible. The safety switches from Gameboy mode to semi or 3 round burst or USB mode

dc-blog 7 months ago

@wizardperspective I am currently under "nothing ever happens", although I'm actually awaiting the fall if anything. I only really collect things which have a use, such as pencils, old-tech, etc so stockpiles of an extreme level aren't a problem. That and I'll live in the middle of nowhere anyways, on the cheapest isolated land I can get (that is usable for farming). Odds are, space won't be a big issue.

didntask 7 months ago

Based and pencil pilled

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