Tetris reign supreme for eternity. Nullomichads will not only endure, but thrive amidst the depondent, barren game-scape. And on 2222-11-11 at precisely 11:11:11.1111 Todd Howard will sacrifice himself much like Goku and Jesus (supposedly) did.
Is there a sex organ-shaped protrusion/orifice in the molt or what?
You have to look at the epigastric furrow in the abdomen. There's a small little flap you have to look for to identify a female from a molt. The male A. seemanni also has less apparent stripes compared to the female. I had someone online who is more experienced in tarantula keeping comfirm for me as well.
https://i.imgur.com/q2gOcyu.jpg Here's a quick visual example. The male on top is nowhere near as stocky as the female on the bottom. The skeleton leg pattern also not as visible on the male as it is the female