2Bit - A website about 2bit stuff.

8,125 updates
1 tips
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anthonynaber sent a $0.01 tip to 2bit
8 years ago
You're welcome :)
anthonynaber 8 years ago

Are you grateful ;( That's all my money.

redrum 8 years ago

You should do a collab with AY Gaming on Youtube.

1 like
2bit 8 years ago

Thank you so much! I wonder what I could buy with this...

2 likes I'm giving away a PS1 game!
I just won a freaking $50 dollar tent and a $5 silly keychain on this phone app without spending anything! It's a penny auction site that gives you free bids when you sign up. If you sign up with this refferal link, you will earn bonus bids and I will earn some as well.$identity_id=355597125545248124
1 like
2bit 8 years ago

I didn't even have to pay shipping. But shit! I was practically handed $55 dollars for nothing

2bit 8 years ago

Low? I'm unemployed and middle class. This is freaking amazing to me.

1 like
redrum 8 years ago

Good Fortune 2bit

1 like
anthonynaber 8 years ago

You're advertising on my turf :(

websitering 8 years ago

Aw... Don't give up. You could add more GameBoy reviews. That's about 2000 updates right there.

2bit 8 years ago

I didn't think of that!

1 like
I'm starting to run out of ideas for this site. I'm going to make more pages like the Fresh Prince one but with different TV shows from the 90's. I'll release V-race II probably next year or something and then I'll mostly move on from edting 2Bit.
1 like
2bit 8 years ago

The next page I plan on making has Quark from DS9 with the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition BTW

melonking 8 years ago

So much planing, I don't even know what I'm gonna do half way through doing it ๐Ÿ˜…

strata 8 years ago

And I'm just trying out a bunch of ideas on my mind.

1 like
signalsolonset 8 years ago

Do an 8bit site.

1 like
redrum 8 years ago

After your 90's tv shows you should do Tv products from the 90's

2bit 8 years ago

I thought about making a 4-bit site where everything had the same colors as windows 3.0

1 like
Why didn't you put my Skidrow remix in your soundtrack listing for your GameJolt release of V-Race?
2bit 8 years ago

IDK. Probably because I didn't want to put more emphasis on the game than the music.

Is send a tip supporter only?
kyledrake 8 years ago

Not for long, it's being beta tested right now, then it goes site-wide.

1 like
websitering 8 years ago

Is there a way to opt-out of Send-A-Tip, or will it be opt-in?

if your website had more than 3 colours would the universe explode?
pasin5 8 years ago


2bit 8 years ago

It's actually 4 colors, but yes, it would explode.

1 like

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 29, 2015
Site Traffic Stats


90s gameboy retro pixels