MaxCrunch Holiday Edition

2,822 updates
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no week in review today. I cut my hair, I look like a small child (this was the most exciting thing that happened). it's mostly drafted so I'll probably post it tomorrow, but today I had a lot of pain so I haven't done anything 🤷‍♀️
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maxcrunch 6 days ago

well that last statement is actually not true, I took at least four naps in four different places and even though I fell asleep with the door closed last night my kitty took care of me and didn't get mad.

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napreviewz 5 days ago

i approve of you getting your naps in

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is anyone else on Bluesky thinking about leaving Bluesky? I think the appeal of being on a site like that is gone forever.
how come all of my ideas for sites come to me while I'm laying in bed about to fall asleep? and how come all of my ideas would require more knowledge than I currently have so I can't be lazy about it
Ack! Forgot to follow your site even though I visited it and enjoyed it very much
maxcrunch 1 week ago

Thanks for the follow! I also love your site. naps are one of my favorite things in life

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doing some updates for responsiveness and such so my site is more mobile friendly, also popping around to add alt text on images where I forgot it
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hazelonline 2 weeks ago

I really love your website

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedDec 5, 2023
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