
6,777 updates
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i haven't commented in like, two years (i was beetletee!) but your site still looks amazing as ever!!
turd 4 years ago

I remember you! I can't believe it's been 2 years since we both created our websites...anyways, it's nice to see you back *_* thank you so much!!

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39friend 4 years ago

of course!! :D looking forward to seeing future updates from you!

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beetletee --> seppy
hello yet again. i will probs start being active soon once more :)
hi everyone! i'm thinking about deleting this site cause i really have no motivation or time to continue with it. i don't even have a computer to use. i'll give it a few days so everyone can see this, then i'll delete. it's been fun, i just can't keep up anymore..!
39friend 5 years ago

if anyone needs to contact me or wants to keep in touch, my discord is joseph#4778 (i'm not great with conversations at first so just a heads up) thank you everybody!! have a nice day

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roseknight 5 years ago

oh dear :( sad to see you go!

1 like
petscop-forensics 5 years ago

Sorry to see you go. Happy trails!

1 like
tinypaws 5 years ago

It sucks to see this but i understand. take care out there!

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0_0 /) hi thanks for following
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39friend 5 years ago

youre welcome!!

i'll probably start using grids as well as cutting down a few pages i don't have use for anymore/the amount of text i have since my site is quite the lengthy read. i'll also probably change up the graphics (need to draw more of octs for that) as well as changing the whole palette of my site. there's just a few ideas so know what to expect if you're generally interested in my site/content :pogchamp:

Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedApr 11, 2018
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