44Nifty's Awesome Website Of Awesomeness, Coolness, Tubularity, Insanity, and 50 other adjectives!

13,762 updates
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cool taskbar (i am not biasedโ„ข)
Hey, just so you know, the Wii Sports link you provided says blocked access
New theme for halloween
spotofmummery 3 years ago

Yes! Fall theme! :)

1 like
spotofmummery 3 years ago

Oh! Just discovered your Start button! That's brilliant!

1 like
I tested out your new form and found a little glitch. When I attempted to enter a Twitter handle, Formspree rejected it saying it requires an email in that text box. Just thought you'd like to know. Otherwise, it should have worked nicely!
44nifty 3 years ago

I think I fixed it. Also, I posted an answer for your question!

1 like
Hey there! Saw that you linked my site, so I dropped you a link in exchange. Thanks!
1 like
Hey, I just wanted to know how you set up the ask page!
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spotofmummery 3 years ago

I used a page called Formspree as the engine behind the forms I use on my page. The form itself is just a regular HTML form. Feel free to right-click and view the page source if you want to see the coding for it. I don't mind. :)

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Website Stats

Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedFeb 16, 2021
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