44Nifty's Awesome Website Of Awesomeness, Coolness, Tubularity, Insanity, and 50 other adjectives!

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No, I have not played Clue before. Yes, I bought Clue: Scott The Woz Edition. Yes, I got 2 copies.
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my dad's gonna buy me a CD player! i can't wait to get it and listen to my CDs on it
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yknow, i should find an interest that isn't MLP:FiM or StW
44nifty 2 years ago

its stupid that my main interests are a youtube show about video games, and a childrens cartoon that ended 3 years ago

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letslearntogether 2 years ago

That's not stupid. Both of those are enjoyable things.

chipsfunfun 2 years ago

i like object shows and stuff!!!!!!!! :D

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the stwcb '22 was great! i got a couple shirts, a poster, both MGOC's, and a packet of the trading cards
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44nifty 2 years ago

none of them have shipped but i will keep you all updated for when they do

44nifty 2 years ago

this is also the happiest i have been in many, many years

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letslearntogether 2 years ago

Woah, awesome! You really went all out.

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44nifty 2 years ago

my dad got me the trading cards and the MGOC's, but the point is that i OWN it!!!!!!!

my last 2 posts perfectly demonstrate my only interests
i hope we get a scott the woz blu-ray for the charity banana
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letslearntogether 2 years ago Maybe one of those silhouettes is a disk of some sort? We will find out soon enough!

the only male MLP fan worth trusting is me.......................................................
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well, i have only one more proxy site i can use before i'm finally stuck
leviathanisms 2 years ago

i wish you luck with it

screw it, when I get a chance I'm gonna make a CashApp account

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedFeb 16, 2021
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