bees laugh in atbash

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bluef00t 3 years ago

I know they are naked :( css comes later

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What's the source of those cool social media icons on your about page? (Also, I dig the UHF landing page!)
I added your preferred cover to the Meddling Kids review. Toriaz also replied to your comment. Thanks again!
bluef00t 3 years ago

two """new""" comics (old comics that I never got around to posting here)

bluef00t 3 years ago

it occurs to me that if I want to add actually new comics here I have to actually *draw* those comics first. have you ever heard such garbage nonsense

bluef00t 3 years ago

sorry that restructured pages are kind of naked at the moment I'm gonna have a cool means to switch between themes later just. working on that part

bluef00t 3 years ago

the two next comics I might do (they're thumbnailed out at least) would be six pages and twelve pages respectively, which is a lot. and both would be in slightly experimental styles for me. a little apprehensive to start

bluef00t 3 years ago

I notice I leave a LOT of little comments overjustifying everything I do on here nowadays. Why do I do that? I don't know. I should stop.

readingproject 3 years ago

Don't apologise for what makes you happy!

atomicgothic 3 years ago

Mr Bluef00t I enjoy every word you type U_U also fuck yes more comics

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Thanks for your comments on our review. It’s nice to see that somewhere someone out there might be reading them. Have tried to encourage my artist son to do something like you’re doing, but no luck. Your website is looking crisp and clean - well designed.
It's been nearly two years since you told me you couldn't see the hotlinked-from-discord images on my site and I responded so unnecessarily flippantly that you deleted your comment. You may not remember this but I do, sorry, you were absolutely right that it's bad practice and I am *finally* going through and fixing it
cubertown 3 years ago

haha im a pretty anxious person so it doesnt take much for me to delete something. no worries

bluef00t 3 years ago

testing out a script for putting breadcrumbs at the top of the page that had to be tried on the live site (it uses the url of the page, you see.)

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bluef00t 3 years ago

Also, finally actually hosting my art ON MY SITE. It's shameful I waited this long. Years ago poor cuberton tried to tell me that a lot of my externally linked images were broken from their point of view (since tumblr/discord were blocked on their school computers) and I gave some unforgivably flippant answer like "that sounds like a you problem". god no, I'm the webmaster, fixing that is absolutely my job

bluef00t 3 years ago

I finally passed 25% storage space usage and had a brief moment of panic before realizing that using up barely a fourth of the site's storage really does Not matter. (If I'm smart about this refactor, I might get it back down again, too.)

Ladies, gentlemen, and neocitizens: those of you who switched to a static site generator, how much hell was that transition?
bluef00t 3 years ago

I want consistent control over headers/footers, but I also have at least 3 totally distinct "sub-sites" that I don't want to mess with, and do NOT want to have to convert my stuff to markup.

satyrwoud 3 years ago

I used a static site generator for my blog, and it was, quite frankly, a *massive* pain in the arse to update — that’s why I switched away from Neocities for the actual hosting side of things, because I just wanted to use WordPress and get it over with. I also used an SSG for some other pages but it turned out to be easier to just edit raw HTML in the long run

bytemoth 3 years ago

Actually a preprocessor, but piss-easy: - pretty simple, works on only the files you specify. Gets pages looking the same, or you can use if-else statements in the template for variation. Custom macros, too. Is nice.

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CreatedJul 13, 2018
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tmbg music art zines comics