Super lovely new terms of service, please read if you use or want to modify chattable :) Principles are mostly the same, nothing super new.
The emoji tray is bugged, Neocities servers back at it again. /embed serves the most updated document but now, requesting the same document using it's absolute path (/embed/index.html) now serves an old, cached HTML file which doesn't contain the emoji tray yet. All other resources are up-to-date. Why Neocities? WHY. This may resolve itself with time, already emailed Neocities about server issues!
Update, seems like the cache is like a 48hr, maybe 72hr thing. One link will update automatically, but the other consistently takes a few days before updating. Though I haven't timed it, I have narrowed down this cache window to be 48-72hrs. It's server cache too, on Neocities.. completely out of my control. Until addressed by Kyle, we are all stuck on receiving updates 2-3 days after they're released.
funnily enough, vscode also does this thing in live preview where if the page is not named index, you HAVE to append the .html or it will say the file was not found 🙄
still getting this page when i try to load in a chat i just created yesterday, is it still not fully rolled out yet?
This seems to be an issue with Neocities, not sure what's happening exactly but I contacted support. I have another version of Chattable running on my server ( that does not suffer from this problem. Which leads me to believe that is exclusively a Neocities error. If the problem doesn't resolve itself, try using a link, all data & accounts are shared between the two websites
Though the method above (using will only work for supporter accounts as it's self hosted and not hosted on Neocities.
I've also put a reconnecting loop in the 404 page to keep trying to reload the page. Eventually, it does connect. Not sure what's going on with Neocities but it's not an error on Chattable's end. Apologies everyone!
all good! I just wanted to check in on what was going on; hopefully this gets resolved fairly quickly
Added and special highlighting of URL queried subjects on the help page, like