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New post/essay on the longevity and lives of hunter gatherers. It does not go into as much detail as I would like, but I am still learning. I will update and or make a part 2 sometime in the future.
Love this new essay. Incredibly interesting information.
Great essay. Youβve clearly put a lot of thought and research into this. One thing I think is worth mentioning, is that (if memory serves me right) early agriculturalists were thought to have lived a hybrid lifestyle, both farming and hunting/gathering. To them, it probably seemed like a good trade off because there was no βtrade off.β They had the best of both worlds until the population increase.
Yes Mike I believe you are right. I believe they called them forager-horticulturalists. I may go back and expand upon that. That is actually discussed in the book "Sapiens", they did not see a tradeoff initially, it just slowly got to the point of what we know as agricultural civilization, like a frog in a boiling pot.