Tiger on The Web

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Exactly a year ago today I started this website. It says on the profile it began a few months earlier but it mostly sat an empty about page to link on external social media. I started off with very little knowledge of HTML and none of CSS, the first proper version of this site was built on a Sadgrl template I very clumsily edited while not knowing what anything meant.
falconiforme 1 year ago

Over the past twelve months I wrote my first otherkin essay, or first non-assigned essay at all for that matter. I taught myself CSS at the start of this year and brought in the current design of the website. I shared my art properly for the first time. I created an archive for a social media app that means a lot to me, making my page the last bastion when it completely changed and almost shut down.

falconiforme 1 year ago

I’m trying not to make this too longwinded, it already made me split my little speech up because I write too much, but thanks to everyone who follows this site, everyone that’s contacted me over it, everyone that has my button on their page, and the people who just look at my page as a visitor. It’s been a really rewarding experience for me and something I am really proud of achieving 👍 here’s to another year.


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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedJun 25, 2022
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art furry waifuism fictionkin alterhuman