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YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH JUST SPENT ALL DAY CODING KEEBO FANPAGE!! It's not done yet but check it out!!!! also please tell me if the bright blue background is a good choice! It's supposed to resemble a blue screen of death lolz
heart143 3 years ago

I changed the blue to gray so it looks like command prompt!

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deadgirlpoetry 3 years ago

i dont know anything abt dr but he always looked super cute!

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so for some reason when you go to use the code from sadgrl, it has a piece of it wrong. i thought they updated the site earlier but maybe it didnt push thru yet or something. anyway, to fix it, its step 4. paste that code into a notepad first and you'll see that it's missing the ending to one of the parts.
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fairytrash 3 years ago

hope that makes sense...

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heart143 3 years ago

I'm not sure which one is missing.. is it like a bracket? maybe you can copy paste me the one you wrote? >_<

YOOOOO....... just discovered html snippets........ this is gonna be life changing
heart143 3 years ago

hold on it has something called jquery not sure if neocities can use that?

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heart143 3 years ago

uhhhh i pasted all the stuff but it doesnt seem to be working and as far as i know jquery not working on neocities shouldnt be a problem so idk just gonna copy paste i guess!

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heart143 3 years ago

whoa what! it's been like 40 mins???? time is so fast

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fairytrash 3 years ago

are you trying to do what i did with the sidebar? i got it to work from

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heart143 3 years ago

oop! thank you for this but it still doesn't seem to work,,

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heart143 3 years ago

THANKS yours too <333333333333333333333333

It's cute how you have 'heartcakes' on your site bc that was a subfolder on my site for awhile and i just deleted it tonight before you added me
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heart143 3 years ago

HUHH??????????????????????? scary much!!!!!! lolololololololoololo

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fairytrash 3 years ago

i just thought it was a cute word, lol. great minds think alike <3

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Hey!!!! I tried doing like a pastel pink theme in the Pokemon shrine!!! I think it's epic! I also did some neat JS scripts B) lots of stuff r coming! the Hall of Love is wip btw
fairytrash 3 years ago

It looks really good! I love it!

heart143 3 years ago

It seems that the imgur link is not working! ;( Mobile imgur is wack.

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misswannabe 3 years ago

Oh wow, your art style is so cute!!!!

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I just spent hours on a page only to change my mind and trash the layout lolz but it's ok I got to practice some JavaScript even if I won't use them :p
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ok so I know flexbox and grid so I'm basically a CSS master now ;* The next step in my journey is JavaScript... *shivers*

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJul 5, 2021
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hearts personal cute silly