I spotted one possible typo - s/acheived/achieved. Feel free to delete this comment if that was intentional. (:
wow that was very comprehensive. the dad luring the last one out with food - very interesting
I ADORE your writing!! "I have fucked your brain tissue before. I have stuck my dick in your ooey gooey dusty goodness. My penis penetrated the folds–those tight, smooth, taut folds on the so-called "logical" side, and it reached inside to the dark matter." had me giggling hard. I really think you ought to write a book one day. A mathematics textbook perhaps? Ɑ:
@hole SWEET! I can't wait. I know you're going to do that idea far more justice than I could ever hope to.
plz don't die スレナガさん the world needs your ramblings (._. )