
3,806 updates
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Anyone know of a good Gemini host I can use, ideally one that would allow me to easily port my pre-existing website content over (since it's usually nothing more than basic markdown which gemtext should support very easily)? I can't really host a server myself but if I absolutely have to (as I'd prefer for my gemini website to be on aswell) then I'll probably find a way.
hoylecake 9 months ago

Also Gopher would be cool too.

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I just finished reading 17776. Fucking profound, I LOVE it.
Today is national banana bread day
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hoylecake 9 months ago

Waga waga bobo. Site has themes now. Pick and choose. ctrl+shift+r. Let me know if there's a color scheme you desperately want added (give me all the juicy details).

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hoylecake 9 months ago

OK -- I'm probably not going to add any more themes past this, because one light and dark theme is a fine balance on their own. Anything more would just fuck up the website's "branding" I guess.

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hoylecake 9 months ago

The layout has been updated to better fit mobile devices. Make sure to ctrl+shift+r to see the changes. Tell me if it makes things better or worse pleae.

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Thank you for the follow!!! I love the look of your website!
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aclumpofmoss 10 months ago

thanks! yours is pretty awesome too, it's so clean and organised :0

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMay 25, 2020
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