
3,806 updates
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WOAH!!!!!! COOOOOLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
strayland 1 year ago

thank you! your site is so sleek, i'm honored by the compliment :^)

1 like
HALLO you are the management for fakenumberland yah?
1 like
encounters-ltd 1 year ago

YUP that's me!! ^^

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encounters-ltd 1 year ago

and OOO just saw your lil review of Nothing Perfect Is To Ever Be Found Here on your site, tysm for the kind words :D

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hoylecake 1 year ago

uh huh!!!!

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hoylecake 1 year ago

OBTW i sent you a little contact thingy on the bandcamp label page, i didnt know that was a feature so forgive me for being redundant

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encounters-ltd 1 year ago

tysm!! i just sent you a reply!

The new website is live. Let me know what you think and tell me if anything fucks up.
Hi everyone. Thank you for being patient. The new domain is existent now and is at, I'm still getting it set up. will *not* redirect to the new domain. Also expect a complete redesign/overhaul of the site. Just a note that will remain as the prior version of the website forever, but it won't be updated anymore.
Hi everyone. Just a heads up that I'm not going to be updating the site for a while. I'm moving away from the name "theki" for personal reasons and I don't want to update the site until I can fully rebrand it and change domains, which might be a while. I hope you can understand, and stuff. Sorry about that.
nullkid 1 year ago

truly a yoylecake decision

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Hi everyone. I just want to let you know that yes, I was in the middle of the hurricane and yes, it completely fucking thrashed my surroundings. But that's okay! I think. Power is back for the most part so I'll be able to push out updates again soon.

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMay 25, 2020
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blog music furry