currently very frustrated with getting a JS running (seriously, i can't get this lightbox I want to use to run for shit... sigh)
ey, this site now has a site badge! Please save & host it on your own site (etc.) to save on bandwidth though. My own badge/cool sites I find collection tba
These pages will be worked on later, but at some point I'm migrating my commission info + contact info over here. That way I can keep it in one place instead of needing to manage both a carrd and this site (fyi: i split it into 'Commissions' & 'Hire' so there's a difference between where you go for personal use vs commercial use art)
Finally tidied up this page. phwew! And another update: This site has it's own RSS feed now! Figured since I'm starting to use them + they're making a comeback i'd add one. Currently manually updated (small note, comission info is currently on a carrd and linked here but will be migrated to the site on a later date... also they're open rn *nudge nudge*)
Prepwork incase i need to host a school project here & some extra layout tests/fixes as I prep that