Jade Everstone - Jade Everstone

9,307 updates
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jesus christ thank god I dedicated myself to this & set up that RSS feed because holy shit Twitter is burning again
Not sure when on my big website-to-do-list but eventually I'm gonna do some under the hood changes to where my pics are stored. Basically, with me adding more art on here and going less "portfolio", more personal I really need to reorganize things before it gets too big (in other words if pics start breaking some day it's because I'm moving things between folders and such)
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jade-everstone 2 years ago

I'll be doing more updates today but the biggest one byfar is the Outbound Page! A hub of links to web-neighbors, resources, and other things!

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jade-everstone 2 years ago

2 addons: a mini site-info section & an RSS feed viewer to the homepage!

jade-everstone 2 years ago

will drop a separate comment for this too, but after a long time of thinking and editing, a new, extended, and rethought manifestio is now live on the everlogs

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jade-everstone 2 years ago

Adding some pics to the gallery... yeah I think i should start thinking about a new gallery layout. this is getting messy to manage & make look neat

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jade-everstone 2 years ago

Heyo, Design Showcase page is finalized & linked on-site!


Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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art personal comics illustration