Koshka's Kingdom

2,002 updates
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koshka 3 years ago

Put up an announcement regarding my upcoming ZZT game, Santa's Advocate (and finally added a description to the ZZT page), and the upcoming Jazz Jackrabbit 2: Christmas Chronicles Fan-Shrine, Burrowsville. I am humbly requesting beta-testers for Santa's Advocate if anyone has an interest in DOS games and/or psychedelic comedy, as it will likely be my last and best ZZT game. Please let me know if you are interested.

koshka 3 years ago

Apologies for not commenting on anyone's updates for weeks. Santa's Advocate has truly monopolised my free time as I rush to get it done on time for Christmas Eve. This is also the reason I abruptly stopped updating. It has become an obsessive priority for me now that it largely outgrown the modest original vision I had for it.

koshka 3 years ago

Added a link/review of the magnificent 5 star creepypasta No One Escapes the Mathman by @HoleinMyHeart (check it out if you haven't yet!!!) to the Haunted House, and put yesterday's announcement about the forthcoming Christmas ZZT game up on the ZZT and Scratching Post pages.

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It probably won't interest many, if any, people here, but I have decided to revive my ZZT "career" by releasing one final game in time for Christmas Eve. A Viovisian psychedelic adventure where you aid Santa Claus in his (exceedingly nonsensical) battle against the Krampus, who is attempting to usurp him.
koshka 3 years ago

The plan is for this (as of yet untitled) game to be out on Christmas Eve (USA time), and the Jazz Jackrabbit 2: Christmas Chronicles fan-shrine (Burrowsville) to be out on Christmas Day.

koshka 3 years ago

In celebration of the Christmas holiday season, I have unveiled a completely new, festive design for the front page, including a number of graphics that I created just for the occasion. Most importantly, at the suggestion of my ever-brilliant friend @ShadowM00n, Macula (seen on the bottom of the page) now has a holiday monocle and top hat!

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koshka 3 years ago

Thank you, @HoleinMyHeart!! ^-^

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bmh 3 years ago

Koshka's Kristmas Kingdom :D

koshka 3 years ago

@bmh I kind of now want to name it that, but I'm too worried about how it would render on smaller screen resolutions...

koshka 3 years ago

After spending my weekend doing Web 1.0 Archaeology, I added 29 new quality links to the Dock, bringing the total number up to a whopping 233. More details on the Scratching Post and Dock pages, but suffice to say there should hopefully be something for everyone. (:

lolwut 3 years ago

"A shining example of pure old Web anarchy, both for better and for worse": it was all definitely for the better, Mr. Koshka. :^)

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koshka 3 years ago

It is certainly preferable to the censored and insipid Web of today, either way, Mr. Lolwut. I honestly thought Totse and Erowid were long gone with how the state of the Web has declined, so I was jubilated to find them both still standing.

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koshka 3 years ago

I updated the Helpful Accommodations for Autistic People page with some additional thoughts on noise-cancelling headphones, after having purchased two separate pairs of them and used them extensively, along with a few other assorted updates and corrections.

bmh 3 years ago

I find self-service checkouts to be particularly blaring (although I prefer to avoid them for other reasons besides); I actually complained to one store, in writing, regarding the volume level of their systems as it was like being shouted at with each command (I don't recall getting a reply and I still find those machines overly loud)...

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bmh 3 years ago

...Perhaps in a community of a high proportion of older people the volume level was deemed helpful to the hard of hearing.

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koshka 3 years ago

I always use self-service checkouts whenever possible just because I detest in-person social interactions, but I can definitely relate to the noise issues. My guess is that they're paranoid about people unintentionally stealing by not realising that an item didn't scan, and don't care if they drive off or offend people in the process of trying to avoid that mishap.

lolwut 3 years ago

Thank you, Koshka, for linking yet again to my little page about the word "app". I would also refuse to purchase any pair of headphones which required the use of a smartphone to control them.

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koshka 3 years ago

@lolwut Thank you for reading! I loved that article, as you put the thoughts I have long been having about that accursed word, far better than I could have done so myself. I wanted context for any readers unaware of why I detest the word, and you had provided the perfect explanation. (^:

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koshka 3 years ago

Added a new page to the Town of ZZT, dedicated to reviews of some of the best and most historically important fan games for the legendary DOS game ZZT.

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

dude these reviews r so hype. after being disinterested in gaming for years this is the 1st thing that piqued my interest lol. might srsly check out edible vomit in the future

koshka 3 years ago

Thank you for reading! Edible Vomit is definitely on the top of the list of ZZT games I'd recommend to other people. There's a WEALTH of other great ones that I'm planning on replaying to brush up on and then reviewing. It's insane how much high quality stuff has been made for this game considering hardly anyone even knows about it anymore...

koshka 3 years ago

After studying the front pages of dozens of Web 1.0 websites that I like and noting what they did well, I decided to do another partial revamp of my own front page. Most importantly, I added a topbar with icons linking to the most popular and important sections of the website for the benefit of new visitors, along with a search bar to search the website via DuckDuckGo.

Has anyone else noticed a sharp increase in car crashes, along with cars abandoned by the side of the road in the past month or so?
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bmh 3 years ago

Prior to this, like early on in the 'pandemic' I heard of people passing out at the wheel due to wearing a mask.

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koshka 3 years ago

@bmh Thank you for your insight. I have been noticing a disturbing rise in car crashes and abandoned cars including ones that blatantly haphazardly drove right off the road, then I heard about the "Red Deer Prophecy" on 4chan that predicted this kind of thing back in June as a result of vaccine-related episodes and was shocked. Emergency rooms are apparently overflowing now too, and not with Covid cases...

koshka 3 years ago

Created a unique, surreal design for the Somnium (dream diary) that befits its content, added a new dream I had last night, and added three new Affiliates (Soukds, Antikrist, and Actually Autistic Blogs List).


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CreatedAug 3, 2020
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