
4,057 updates
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"Warning: It is not advised to change your username, as this breaks search engines and will reduce the amount of visitors to your site." not like i wanted web crawlers on my webpage anyway lol
zumi 1 year ago

the 300 iq move: changing it every weekend

laevateinn 1 year ago

replaced audio for the third time with

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laevateinn 1 year ago

*audio for the radio

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laevateinn 1 year ago

also loops now and properly because ogg is awesome and everyone should use it

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laevateinn 1 year ago


laevateinn 1 year ago

i taught spongebob how to play the clarinet

laevateinn 1 year ago

added -500 and its nginx equivalent

laevateinn 1 year ago

about the top of the page: i set the font back to verdana bc i just realized arial looks different with a japanese locale(?????????) and it broke some css on my end

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hi so the ssl stuff thats supposed to work for my alt storage site just... doesnt lol
laevateinn 1 year ago

i think this is what i get for using infinityfree LMAO

yeagh 1 year ago

infinityfree sucks dick imo, onrender is pretty quick with getting sites up and shit but idk much about it

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i dont think ill ever get this website finished
laevateinn 1 year ago

legitimately most of the time spent on this site was for the title which is still commented out of my index page

laevateinn 1 year ago

i dont even want to give up with html in general but theres so much that goes on with what i want to do with it that i have no idea what im even doing anymore

laevateinn 1 year ago

also i have to change the background on some template pages because it looks like garbage for mobile and vertical display users AAAAAAGH

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laevateinn 1 year ago

honestly wont even make a page in /pages for 404 errors its just way too easy lmao

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laevateinn 1 year ago

links are unclickable... okay

yea i think i might make a script for uploading images and stuff to the site with base64 images, its more convenient to just have everything in a single html file (especially applies to offline users, etc)
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laevateinn 1 year ago

why a script? because having the sources of images be, well base64 means that the code is just barely readable for humans

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laevateinn 1 year ago

you can surprisingly do a lot of things with just a single html file (css, javascript, images, etc.) and its really impressive, i really want to use that to the fullest

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laevateinn 1 year ago

also using imgur to host files in 2023 isnt professional enough, i probably wont just convert the bgs to base64 and then put it into the files (tried it once in bramble and it crashed the entire browser) but itd still be neat to have images be on the site and not on an external platform

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laevateinn 1 year ago

^ okay yea nvm im minimizing external site usage with this lmao

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Last updated 3 hours ago
CreatedOct 30, 2021
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