Leichpfands Hölle

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leichpfand 3 months ago

omfg I want to commit die so hard rn... I forgot but someone wanted to take pictures of us as a family before we left the event and I look SO BAD, my face is horrid, I'm so tall it looks weird. Only redeemable quality is that my body looks nice with the outfit I picked but I look like I want to die (which I do now (and then))

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leichpfand 3 months ago

Though I will say that I'm under the impression that if I didn't put that face on I would pass because this has opened my eyes at just how femenine my body is, my mom has her hand on my waist in one of them and it makes me look like a super model it's crazy, also my thighs, I had tight-ish pants on and my hoodie covered me down to about the middle of the thighs so it looked good, quite happy about that ig

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Wait hol up if I do have klinefelter does that mean I'm intersex and trans? It also means I was just born not a guy mentally or physically, far out that's crazy... Couldn't the mf upstairs have just kept the y chromosome to himself smh
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friday-girl 3 months ago

Well, that's still progress, which is always a very positive sign. (and if your college is getting asinine about it, is it possible to just send them a copy of the appointment confirmation thing or whatever?)

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leichpfand 3 months ago

yeah I guess they'll take it... Only problem is it'd be coming out to my teacher cuz the confirmation mentions "gender therapy" lol

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I've heard hrt changes the smell of your sweat but not if it makes it happen less, it makes you colder so I guess it does?? Idk that's something I'd have to ask later this week at the psychiatrist appointment, so excited for that btw, today is off to a bad start cuz of sweat but I can't wait for the meeting!!
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leichpfand 3 months ago

I know it'll probably take 2 more months to actually get on hrt becase of tests and derivations to other departments like endocrine for ""stuff"" but man I just wanna get it done, I fucking NEED it I'm feinding for it

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This sweat thing is getting ridiculous, I'm still sweating every single day and we're at december's doorstep, I wonder if there's some medicine drug that helps with this I'd appreciate it, hrt ain't gon fix this and it's fucking up my self esteem by making me never smell good (I showered an hour ago and already smell like a gym bag)
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leichpfand 3 months ago

It's specially annyoing when I sweat WHILE BEING COLD it sucks, I can be chilling in my room in nothing but a shirt and underwear IN NOVEMBER and still sweat like it's august and I've got medieval armour on, worst thing is that it doen't even make me colder because the sweat is hotter than the environment so it just stays where it is and doesn't evaporate, it's gross, it smells like you'd imagine it to, I hate it

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leichpfand 3 months ago

I'm making a full ass blog about this I hate it so much

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leichpfand 3 months ago

I'm gonna look so damn good with the estrogen in me I can't wait!!!! I wanna look in the mirror and see a girl ffsssss!!!!

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