Leichpfands Hölle

1,114 updates
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I hate wind so much, it blows my forehead-covering bangs away and I get very anxious and feel exposed, can't really stop it, guess this is here to stay...
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I've noticed someting weird: My neck bulge ball thing becomes less prominent after voice training interesting, later I'll try pushing it in while talking to see if it makes my voice different... for science! (ofc)
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leichpfand 3 months ago

I noticed this cuz yesterday I talked a bit more than usual so it was very noticeable and then after voice training on valorant for like 4 hours it was barely there

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Bruh my school is forcing me to use a generative ai to make an image of myself for an assignment that is worth a grade... BRUHHH
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Guess who just realised her minecraft folders are gone! I completely forgot they only existed in the ssd and now I've irreversably lost the dragon world thing, not cool...
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I guess the picture that's triggered this thought is also tugging on the whole "my room is small as shit and doesn't feel mine" thing. The room in the picture looks lived in, mine is a white and grey purgatory and I haven't got the money to do anything with it that'll actually fix it.
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God I'm sad...
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leichpfand 3 months ago

gonna put links here for stuff I don't know where to put: non-blog post related voice tests for example

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*turns on bass boost* *selects 'That Band' from the album* "This is gonna be good" *ears explode* Ryo Yamada claims another victim
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CreatedJun 16, 2024
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